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  Python threads: communication and stopping

A very common doubt developers new to Python have is how to use its threads correctly. Specifically, a large amount of questions on StackOverflow show that people struggle most with two aspects: How to stop / kill a threadHow to safely pass data to a thread and back I already have a blog post touching on these issues right here, but I feel it’s too task-specific for sockets, and a more basic and general post would be appropriate. I assume the reader has a basic familiarity with Pytho...

   Python,Multithreading,Communication,Synchronize     2011-12-28 07:38:32

  Binary tree iterator algorithm

Binary tree pre-order,in-order and post-order traversal are basics in algorithm and data structure.And the recursive binary tree traversal is a classical application of recursion. We define a binary tree node as : // C++ struct Node { int value; Node *left; Node *right; } In order binary tree traversal can be: // C++ void inorder_traverse(Node *node) { if (NULL != node->left) { inorder_traverse(node->left); } do_something(node); if (NULL != node->righ...

   Binary tree,Iterator,Traversal     2013-07-14 21:51:09

  Successful Web Design: It’s All About The Details

While the tools are out there for almost anyone to build a website, the most successful designs all share a few characteristics. These sites tend to be organized well, have great content and have all the design details in order. Small parts of your site, from alignment and bolding to contrast and color, can make or break the design. Taking care of the details before your project is published will ensure the page has a clean overall feel. Unorganized design and lack of attention to detail ...

   Web design,Details,Success     2012-04-16 13:38:56

  10 design flaws of JavaScript

JavaScript's design took only ten days. Moreover, the designer didn't want to design it initially, he just wanted to complete the task assigned by company. It is now a very powerful client side programming language used in almost all the websites. It's an excellent language, but it also has some flaws. 1. Not suitable for large projects JavaScript doesn't have namespace, it's hard to be modular, there is no standard for putting codes in multiple source files. It allows defining functions with th...

   JavaScript, Design flaw, Object     2012-11-29 11:39:35

  How I Became a Programmer

I posted a very brief response to a post on HackerNews yesterday challenging the notion that 8 weeks of guided tutelage on Ruby on Rails is not going to produce someone who you might consider a "junior RoR developer." It did not garner many upvotes so I figured that like most conversation on the Internet it faded into the general ambient chatter. Imagine my surprise when I woke up to couple handfuls' worth of emails from around the world asking me what I did, how I did it, an...

   Programmer,Advice,Method,Study     2011-11-24 09:14:50

  So you want to write JavaScript for a living?

What do you need to know if you are interviewing for a job that involves Javascript development? What kind of expectations do employers have of candidates now that the state of client side development has been changed with the rise of asynchronous JavaScript and the often slick, supporting interfaces? These were questions I was asking myself after a friend pointed me to an interesting job posting over at Meebo that included some JavaScript puzzlers on logical operators, DOM odditi...

   JavaScript,Career,Skills,Knowledge     2011-10-22 12:53:11

  I'm not good enough to work on open source software

Actually, that's not true - I've produced plenty of open source software over the years.  However, in a sense, it is true: only the very best actually get paid to work on open source software full time, and I'm not one of them.  People like Linus Torvalds.  People like Guido van Rossum, although even he supposedly divides his time, and does not work on Python full-time. Think about that.  Python is a hugely popular programming language used by many companies and ind...

   Open source,Free,Money,Full-time     2012-04-16 13:27:35

  Check whether a remote server port is open on Linux

As a system administrator or network engineer or application developer, there is a need to check whether a port on remote server is open so that you can tell whether the service under check is running or not. In this post, we would cover a few methods to check whether a remote server port is open or not on Linux. telnet telnet is the most frequently used command on both Windows and Linux to check port. The simple usage for this command is  telnet [host] [port] When the port is open, the o...

   LINUX,TELNET,PORT,NC,NMAP     2017-12-23 11:45:20

  Basic Mistakes Developers Make When Creating APIs

Today, there are many tools that developers can use to create an API, meaning that some of them can come up with an API within a matter of minutes. However, there is a vast difference between just creating an API and building one that meets all your expectations, is reliable and secure. Some developers create APIs that work well but forget some basic things that, within no time, bring a lot of issues to the API users. In this article, we are going to talk about the basic mistakes that developers...

   API,API DESIGN,RESTFUL API     2020-08-19 07:54:03

  10 rules of PHP-masters

1. Use PHP only when it is necessary – Rasmus Lerdorf There is no better source than the creator of PHP, to learn what he can do. Rasmus Lerdorf created PHP in 1995. Since then, the language has spread like a wildfire rate in the developer community, incidentally changing the face of the Internet. However, Rasmus did not create PHP with these intentions. PHP was created for the needs of web development. As is the case with many other projects wi...

   PHP,Master,Experience,Advice     2011-12-16 09:38:07