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SEARCH KEYWORD -- development

  How Artificial Intelligence is Changing the Future of Web Design & Development

Artificial intelligence is having a say in how web designs are shaping up nowadays. Many within the industry have even gone on to say that AI is the future of web design and development. The impact of AI on web design and development can be felt by understanding how web design has evolved over the years. Traditionally, all websites were created using HTML. Then, with the advancement of technology, the code structure of websites began to change and became more sophisticated. Now, it has come to a...


  Inspiring facts about JavaScript

JavaScript has been advocated as the first language to be learned by people who want to program. We have discussed the reasons why we should do so. Recently with the popularity of Node.js, JavaScript has become a full-stack language,  it can be used as both frontend and backend programming language. Today we will give some hard facts which will convince you about the popularity of JavaScript. Just like William Ting said ""JavaScript will stay relevant as long as people use the internet". Ye...

   JavaScript,popularity     2014-06-07 08:52:36


我的名字是 Lars Wirzenius,我曾经见证了Linux的起点。Linux现在是一个全球成功的操作系统,但它的开始却非常谦逊。这些是我对Linux最早的日子、它的创造以及它走向今天的记忆。 我于1988年秋季开始在赫尔辛基大学攻读计算机科学,并认识了 Linus Torvalds,他也是当年计算机科学专业的新生之一,而且和我一样说瑞典语。在那个学年的末尾,我们得到了一台Unix服务器的访问权限...

   LINUX,HISTORY,STORY     2023-05-18 07:23:18

  Understanding PHP's internal function definitions

Welcome to the second part of the “PHP’s Source Code For PHP Developers” series. In the previous part ircmaxell explained where you can find the PHP source code and how it is basically structured and also gave a small introduction to C (as that’s the language PHP is written in). If you missed that post, you probably should read it before starting with this one. What we’ll cover in this article is locating the definitions of internal functions in t...

   PHP,internal function,definition,rationale     2012-03-16 10:46:26

  How I Develop Things and Why

I've always considered myself a bit of a software junkie. Nothing excites me more than a great piece of new software. Some of my best childhood memories are our trips to Grandma's house, where I'd have access to a computer with a dial-up connection that I'd use to obtain freeware and shareware. I'd bring 4 or 5 floppies with me and try to cram all the games, waveform editors, and utilities that I could sneaker-net home. Luckily today, excellent software written with passion oozes out of ...

   Development,Software,Why,How,Experience     2012-01-28 07:01:34

  The Day Programmer vs. The Night Programmer

This post is a slightly edited form of an e-mail that I sent around internally last year. But it was suggested to me recently that I post it up to my blog to see what people think – am I right or wrong? Over the years I’ve come to the belief that there are two kinds of programmer in the world, no matter what technology they work with, lets call them:         1. Day Programmers        2. Night Programmers Now ...

   Programmer,Day programmer,Night programmer,Difference     2012-03-05 05:12:09

  Jelly Bean distribution reaches 0.8% in all Android distributions

Jelly Bean (Android 4.1) is a surprise Google I/O conference bringing to us. After three weeks, Google official statistics said Jelly Bean distribution had reached 0.8% in all Android distributions.The latest Android ecosystem data shows Jelly Bean has a very good start, HSPA+ version of Galaxy Nexus can upgrade the system to Android 4.1(Jelly Bean) began in early July. The Ice Cream Sandwich system distribution rose to 15.8% from 10.9%, it became the second largest system version  followin...

   Jelly Bean,Distribution,Share     2012-08-03 15:11:27

  It takes hard work. Do the hard work.

Something I’ve been thinking about a lot recently is the idea of simply trying harder with everything I choose to spend my time on. It seems like an elusive thing, the idea of optimal focus and maximum effort. However, I think there is something to be gained from stopping for a moment and considering how focused we are when we do our daily activities. I think two things apply here: single-mindedness and massive effort. To truly excel at something, we need to be very focused. We can...

   Development,Hard work,     2012-01-29 04:40:13

  What should Microsoft do after Steve Ballmer steps down?

Steve Ballmer decided to retire from Microsoft within 12 months last week. Where should Microsoft head to and what should they do on their products to maintain their influence.Whether you like or hate Ballmer, and regardless of who will replace him as Microsoft new CEO, his voice became a very important part of different Microsoft conferences, Ballmer said : "We need a CEO who will be here longer term for this new direction."Steve Ballmer is criticized for many things. Under his control, Micros...

   Microsoft,CEO,Trend     2013-08-26 07:33:41

  Embrace open source

In past few days, there are many tech news which are related to open source. For example, Microsoft enables Linux on its Windows Azure cloud, Facebook open sourced its C++ library Folly and Samsung joined Linux foundation. Now more and more big companies realize the power of open source and are willing to contribute to the open source community. It will benefit not only developers but also these big companies as well.By providing some open source libraries or projects, developer may reduce their...

   Open source,Microsoft,Samsung,Facebook,Linux     2012-06-06 05:37:59