Today's Question:  What does your personal desk look like?        GIVE A SHOUT

SEARCH KEYWORD -- Windows.ISB device

  Eclipse 4.4 is going to fully support Java 8

Eclipse is the most popular IDE for developing Java applications, but it seems lag behind the Java 8 release a couple of months ago. The current Eclipse is not supporting Java 8 and if you want to run Java 8 programs on it, you need to install a plugin. You can find the plugin at the Eclipse market place. Now Eclipse 4.4 is coming to us on 25th June and the code name for it is Luna. This new version of Eclipse introduces some new features which can ease developer's work, these features includin...

   Eclipse,Luna,Java 8     2014-06-18 05:00:37

  You know what UTF-8 is when you see it?

When we are coding we may often see some encoding specifications in our source codes such as UTF-8,GB2312. Do you know what these encoding mean and why we need them? In this post, Julián Solórzano will introduce the most widely used encoding specification around the world accomodating all different character sets in the world. UTF-8 is a method for encoding Unicode characters using 8-bit sequences. Unicode is a standard for representing a great variety of characters from many ...

   UTF-8,Encoding     2014-04-18 22:13:44

  Difference between keystore and truststore

Security has become a vital concern in most of the online transactions nowadays. Lots of the world's most popular websites have adopted security protocols to transfer data, especially sensitive data. These security protocols including SSL/TLS which are using the private/public key exchange mechanism to establish secure connections.  The private/public key cryptography is a really important invention and it allows data to be transferred securely and solves the big problem of transferrin...

   KEYSTORE,TRUSTSTORE,SECURITY,SSL     2017-03-04 07:52:47

  Why is my IP blocked at a website I visit regularly after I changed ISPs?

I just installed a new Express Card with Verizon Broadband wireless last night. Had tons of fun accessing the web from places I usually cannot, (we are in trucking) until I got to my favorite forum. It's a public place I have been to thousands of times, but instead of happily browsing all the daily news events and checking to see if the world blew up yet, I found myself blocked by a big white screen that said YOUR IP ADDRESS HAS BEEN BANNED. What can I do? I can't go to the forum owners to ...

   ISP,IP Block,StopForumSpam,Solution     2012-02-01 08:53:38

  It's Official: Google Today Is Just Where Microsoft Was in 1999

Google (GOOG) looks a lot more vulnerable to the accusation that it’s become the new Microsoft (MSFT) today compared to even a year ago.Several people have said that Google’s co-founders, Larry Page and Sergey Brin, have sought to build their company so that it wouldn’t make the mistakes that Microsoft did in the 1990s. Well, surprise, Google today seems a heck of a lot similar to where Microsoft was right in 1999 – the year after Google was founded. Want proof? Here...

   Google,Microsft,Similarities     2012-04-17 06:55:41

  How IoT is Challenging The World of "Smart" Cars

Smart cars have long been the subject of optimism in the auto industry, with their suites of advanced driver assistance and road safety features. Handy as they are, however, their convenient systems come with a substantially higher price tag. For now, however, many car owners are opting into a cheaper, more modular way to enhance their driving experience: a network of IoT devices. This makes it so that even pre-loved cars can enjoy the same features as smart cars. While IoT remains small at the...

   HARDWARE,IOT,CAR     2020-03-09 07:42:26

  Ruby WinRM undefined method `split' for nil:NilClass

WinRM service is a service provided by Windows to enable remote access a Windows system. It is similar to what SSH is for *nix. And it is frequently used in applications which want to automate process or accessing remote Windows system and perform actions on them. Ruby also provided the WinRM gem which is an implementation of the WinRM service.  When using WinRM gem, one may often want to use :negotiate as the transport protocol for authentication. This transport will negotiate using d...

   RUBY,WINRM,INIT_AUTH,PROXY     2017-03-08 02:21:09

  Must-Have Tech for Your Living Room

The living room is considered by many to be the central point of the home. Therefore, it makes sense that you would want to equip it with lots of enhancements to make it more relaxing and a great place for entertaining yourself, members of your family or household, and any guests. With so many different technological advancements over the last couple of decades, though, you might be stuck as to what you should pick and what would fit in with your lifestyle. To help you out a little, we have put...

   SMART HOME,RADIO     2020-10-26 10:14:32

  The Curious Case of App Store Optimization

You may have heard of App Store Optimization (ASO) and feel your brains go into overdrive! Chances are you probably have no idea what that means or that it appears pretty much the same as Search Engine Optimization (SEO), only to realize that it is not so. Despite being warily relatable to SEO, the reality of ASO is far more deep and complex. A key differentiator of ASO and SEO is what happens when a visitor or user enters the website or the app, in this case. The moment a user enters the site t...

   iOS App Development Company, Mobile App Company, iphone App Development Company, Mobile Application     2015-08-14 09:06:22

  GIF’s - Effective Engagement Tool Of Elearning

Elearning has been continuously facing the challenge of keeping the learners engaged. Many methods are being used to ensure that the learner understands the concepts even without an instructor. The inclusion of various multimedia modes like informative audios, videos, games, animations, etc. has become almost necessary to include as these are considered to make the concepts easier to understand.  In a nutshell, there are many advantages of using multimedia in an eLearning program, however, ...

   GIF,ELEARNING     2021-09-23 07:17:52