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SEARCH KEYWORD -- Web programming

  Why Use Java?

 Java was developed by Sun Micro-systems back in 1995 to function as high level programming language and serve as a computing platform. This gets regularly updated with new features and better compatibility. The latest version is Java SE 8.0 which released in 2014, March. Java has gained immense popularity while there have been various platforms to match up with the Java configurations like Java SE for Macintosh, Windows and UNIX, Java ME for Mobile Applications and Java EE for Enterpr...


  Web evolution history

I guess many of us want to know about web evolution history since it changes so fast. Web has changed our life style, there are many big events in web history. Following picture give us a general understanding of the history of web.Original author : 陈皓 Reference :

   Web,History,Figure     2012-04-25 07:40:52

  Programming language choices for an IT manager

A TechRepublic reader named Aaron emailed me and posed excellent questions; here’s an excerpt from his email:“I manage a small IT department and all my skills are self-taught. At times I struggle with complex business initiatives and I believe if I had some programming skills I would be more adept at handling the initiatives. Can you recommend a programming language? Is formal education the best path or have you found that programming can be self-taught?”I’m sure a lot ...

   IT Manager,Programming,Skills,Programming knowledge     2011-10-21 08:37:10

  Importance of Side Projects

Side projects are important for a few reasons. Programming is a creative process. Side projects allow programming without deadlines or restraints. Side projects allow programming in an exploratory way. Explore new technologies Every day there are more and more bleeding edge technologies coming out. A side project is a great place to try them out. There’s no reason to worry about bugs or performance issues because it’s just a side project. You’re not depending on the ...

   Side project,Creative idea,Dealine,Scratch,Launch     2011-11-28 03:17:22

  I've run out of adjectives

The news of Dennis Ritchie's passing hit hard. So much has been written in the past day. His impact was enormous, and outside the tech world, mostly unknown - but very much felt. C underpins everything. My whole career has grown out of C and Unix. Wow.For most engineers working today, it's hard to understand the euphoria I felt in the 70s when a programming language finally came along that I (and everyone else) could use to move up from writing in assembler to a real programming l...

   Dennis Ritchie,James Gosling,Death,Praise,Comment,C     2011-10-20 02:55:58

  If we use programming language names as building names

Today I came across some interesting building names while wandering around technology park of Singapore. Most of these names are biotech related. They are Chromos,  Centros, Matrix, Genome, Proteos, Nanos, Helios, Neuros, Immunos, Synapse and Amnios. Chromos Centros Matrix Genome Proteos Nanos Helios Neuros Immunos Synapse Amnios I am wondering whether there are building which are named with programming language names. Do you see anyone of them anywhere?...

   Buidling name,Programming language     2013-08-16 06:02:26

  5 essential job search tips for web designers

Being a web designer is about many things – an in-depth technical knowledge, a flair for great aesthetics and excellent communication skills. Even if it sounds complex (and perhaps precisely because it does), the job can be immensely rewarding and creatively stimulating. How to break in and go straight for success in this profession? Here are 5 essential tips for getting lots of web design work. 1. Develop technical skills that matter Before you enter the job market, you'll need to have a ...

   job search tips, job seekers, job search     2015-04-17 10:17:19

  XML Abuse

It’s everywhere. XML Abuse. From Domain Specific Languages to Data Serialization, XML is the most commonly abused data format I’ve ever encountered. XML is perfectly fine for (because it was designed for this): First of all: XML was designed to be written by humans and read by humans. Nearly all generated XML I’ve seen sucks badly. I think this is because XML cannot efficiently represent common data structures found in programming languages.XML is good...

   XML,Abuse,Alternative,Serialization,Data storage     2011-12-14 07:12:10

  Google Dart? Don’t bet against JavaScript

Procotols, programming languages and operating systems all compete in a constantly evolving software ecosystem. Out of that ecosystem only a few technologies truly have staying power and survive over the long term. An example? How about Ethernet? It’s been a survivor over the last thirty years despite existing in a constantly changing landscape that’s been populated with many worthy competitors. Ethernetâ€...

   Google Dart,JavaScript,Comparison,Future     2011-12-06 09:49:39

  In praise of impractical programming

Although it’s become a cultural mainstay now, I still remember when I first saw that thick book — the one with the wizard on the cover — about a school for magic where wonders are easily conjured by those who know the proper spells. Of course, I’m talking about the Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs. There was that other book with the spells, but the “Wizard Book” sincerely claimed to teach magic. For the past few years, I’ve been ...

   Impractical Programming,Structure,Scheme,Practical     2011-12-05 12:28:58