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  The Ultimate GetElementsByClassName, Anno 2008

Two and a half years ago, I released the first version of getElementsByClassName. With how web browsers has evolved since, I thought I’d release a real ultimate version, dated 2008. Native Web Browser SupportSafari 3.1 has native getElmentsByClassName support, and upcoming Firefox 3 and Opera 9.5 will have it too. It only leaves out, you’ve guessed it, Internet Explorer.The Necessity Of This ScriptLiving in a world where Microsoft is halting every possible way t...

   JavaScript,geElementsByClassName,Cross browser compatible,Implementation     2011-11-26 02:46:20

  JavaScript Attack/Defend

As developers and designers we work hard to build visually attractive, fast and easy to maintain applications. Our goals are to make sure the applications we build stick to users and keep them coming back for more. Security is not always at the forefront of our minds. No one intentionally builds insecure software but often a lack of security knowledge leads developers to build vulnerabilities into their applications. In this article we are going to examine two web security attacks, how they are ...

   JavaScript,Attack,Defend,Security,Cross site     2011-10-13 13:09:11

  A Python Optimization Anecdote

Hi! I’m Pavel and I interned at Dropbox over the past summer. One of my biggest projects during this internship was optimizing Python for dynamic page generation on the website. By the end of the summer, I optimized many of’s pages to render 5 times faster. This came with a fair share of challenges though, which I’d like to write about today:The ProblemDropbox is a large website with lots of dynamically generated pages. The more pages that are dynamically generat...

   Python,Anecodate,Optimization,Efficiency     2011-10-25 10:33:20

  FTP Must Die

The File Transfer Protocol (FTP) is specified in RFC 959, published in October 1985. The attempt in this specification is to satisfy the diverse needs of users of maxi-hosts, mini-hosts, personal workstations, and TACs, with a simple, and easily implemented protocol design.That's from the introduction. Does anyone here know what a TAC is? I don't. I had to look it up, since the acronym wasn't even expanded in the RFC. It took three tries in Google, and I finally found it in some obscur...

   FTP,Future,Death,Trend,Protocol     2012-02-06 08:13:36

  C++11 multithreading tutorial

The code for this tutorial is on GitHub: In my previous tutorials I’ve presented some of the newest C++11 additions to the language: regular expressions, raw strings and lambdas. Perhaps one of the biggest change to the language is the addition of multithreading support. Before C++11, it was possible to target multicore computers using OS facilities (pthreads on Unix like systems) or libraries like OpenMP and MPI. This tutorial is meant to get you st...

   C++,Multithreading,Standard 11,Demo     2011-12-18 00:50:35

  Top 9 Most Popular Programming Languages In IT Companies

1.) C LanguageC  Language is a general-purpose computer programming language developed between 1969 and 1973by Dennis Ritchie at the Bell Telephone Laboratoriesfor use with the Unix operating system.Although C was designed for implementing system software. it is also widely used for developing portable application software.?0102030405060708091011#include <stdio.h> int main(void) { printf("hello, world!\n");&nbs...

   C,Java,C#,C++,Ruby,Popular programming l     2011-04-27 09:21:52

  The Essence of Google Dart: Building Applications, Snapshots, Isolates

WÑ–th thousands of programming languages floating around, why is Google introducing Google Dart? What can it possibly add? The short answer: the Google Dart team wanted a language well suited to modern application development, both on the server and the (mobile) client. Some of Dart's features address problems that languages like Java or Javascript have long had. Dart's Snapshots resemble Smalltalk images, allowing (nearly) instant application startup and wi...

   Dart,Google,Client side,Web,Language,Snapshort,Isolate     2011-10-24 11:41:16

  True Scala complexity

Update 2: Sorry for the downtime. Leave it to the distributed systems guy to make his blog unavailable. Nginx saves the day.It’s always frustrating reading rants about Scala because they never articulate the actual complexities in the core language.Understandable—this post is intended fill that gap, and it wasn’t exactly easy to put together. But there’s been so much resistance to the very thought that the complexity exists at all, even from on up high, that I thou...

   Scala,Complexity     2012-01-10 07:17:07

  10 Best Android Apps of 2016

The year 2016 has been gone with all its good and bad memories. But in the field of information technology, this year was another boost in which the field rapidly grew and explores some more essentials for the ease of users. In the field of mobile apps, specially users of Android OS, the year 2016 was awesome because in this year, they got many useful apps created by the highly qualified app developers of the world.Experts of Android OS rounded up a lot of apps created in the year 2016 and they ...


  Encrypting and decrypting PGP file or text on MacOS

When doing data exchange among different parties, there is a frequent need of encrypting data or file and sending it to partner and asking partner to use corresponding key to decrypt the data or file. A famous way of exchanging data is using asymmetric keys where no secret key needs to be shared. One party can just use the public key shared by partner to encrypt the data and the other party uses the private key to decrypt the data. Today, we will introduce how to use PGP to encrypt and decrypt d...