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SEARCH KEYWORD -- JavaScript template engine

  Ensure triggering transitionend event in JavaScript

CSS3 Transition has been widely used in modern web app development to offer users animations. Traditionally animations of element in HTML are controlled by JavaScript. If fancy animation is desired, then third party plugins can be installed in browsers such as Flash, Silverlight, Java Applet etc. With CSS3, animations can be easily achieved like a charm. Transition is one of the many features provided by CSS3. It can be used to transit one element from one state to another state smoothly within ...


  An alternative way to parse URL in JavaScript

Normally when we need to process URL in JavaScript, we may use the location object. Then we can use location.hostname,location.href,location.port etc to get the information we need. In this post, we will parse an URL with an alternative way. We can use an URL to create a DOM object by calling document.createElement("a"). The complete code is: function parseURL(url) { var a = document.createElement('a'); a.href = url; return { source: url, protocol: a.protocol.replace(':',''), host: a.ho...

   URL,location,parse     2014-03-03 07:05:11

  How does MySQL handle DROP TABLE

A few days ago, when executing DROP TABLE in MySQL, all processes including DDL and DML were hung until DROP TABLE was completed. I am confused about this phenomenon. I have reviewed the source codes of MySQL to check how MySQL internally handle DROP TABLE. When user trigger DROP TABLE command: ########################MySQL SERVER drop table######################## /*  delete (drop) tables. */bool mysql_rm_table( )   /*   Execute the drop of a normal or temporary...

   MySQL,DROP TABLE     2012-09-24 11:34:05

  Qualities of a great business presentation

When it comes to business, every day in the industry is spent trying to convince someone into buying your brand, your product or services, no doubt you will find yourself making a lot of pitches and presentations for new products, partners and stakeholders among other things. Having great presentation skills is essential to running a successful business and getting as many people believing in your brand as possible. Great presentations have the following qualities Killer slides PowerPoint slides...

       2015-12-03 23:58:41

  How Google Utilizes Big Data for SERP

Google is an expert when it comes to big data. This is evident in their development of various techniques and open source tools which are used by the big data industry professionals. These tools and technique allow Google to sift through millions of different websites and enormous amounts of data in order to provide users with correct answers in a matter of milliseconds. But how does Google accomplish that with such precision? To answer that, we need to focus on the complex activities that go o...

   GOOGLE,BIG DATA     2017-05-31 16:13:03

  How to monitor user behavior in webpage

Sometimes there is a need for website owners to monitor user behavior on the site so that they can know what pages are mostly visited and which parts are more popular so that they can provide better service to their users. These behavior usually contain user clicks, user mouse over events etc. These data can be sent back to server when triggered with some meta data. In this post, we will cover a few ways to monitor user behavior on a web portal and send data back to backend sever. 1. Synchronous...

   HTML,BEACON API,PING,USER BEHAVIOR     2019-06-29 06:06:59

  Prototypes and Inheritance in JavaScript

Forget everything you know about object-oriented programming. Instead, I want you to think about race cars. Yes – race cars. Recently I was watching the 24 Hours of Le Mans –a popular racing event in France. The fastest cars in the race are the Le Mans Prototypes. Although these cars are built by car manufacturers like Audi and Peugeot, they are not cars you’ll see on the streets and highways of your home town. They are built exclusively for high-speed endurance ra...

   JavaScript,Prototype,Inheritance     2012-02-27 04:55:22

  Learn from Haskell - Functional, Reusable JavaScript

Learn You a Haskell: For Great Good? For the last couple months I have been learning Haskell. Because there are so many unfamiliar concepts, it feels like learning to program all over again. At i.TV, we write a lot of JavaScript (node.js and front end). While many functional/haskell paradigms don’t translate, there are a few techniques that JS can benefit from. There are Haskell library functions for everything. At first I thought this was just because it was mature, but then I notice...

   JavaScript,Haskell,Functional,Reusability,Feature     2012-02-21 05:30:51

  Qihoo 360 confirms the cooperation with Google

Affected by the news that Qihoo 360 would cooperate with Google, Qihoo 360 and Baidu are treated differently in capital market at the beginning of 2013. Analysts have high expectations on Qihoo 360 and increase its performance expectations for fiscal year 2013, while Baidu suffered price target downgrades.According to Sina technology news, Qihoo 360 confirmed this news to ZDNet, but they refused to disclose more details. According to Qihoo 360, there is some kind of cooperation existed between ...

   Qihoo 360, Google, Search, Baidu     2013-01-04 12:06:17

  Convert number to string in C++

Prior to C++11, there is no built-in function in C++ standard library which can be used to convert numbers such as interger and double number to string.  There are many ways which can convert number to string. Since C++ is C compatible, we can use itoa() function to convert an integer to C style string. But this one can only convert integer to string, not double. For different types of numbers, we need to use different functions. string s = string(itoa(a)); Actually, we can also use strings...

   C++,conversion,number,string     2012-08-14 15:52:48