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SEARCH KEYWORD -- High efficient

  Steve Jobs attacks Android just for show?

Steve Jobs has a famous statement which says Android is a stolen product. What does Google CEO Larry Page think about this statement? Recently, Page said in an interview with Bloomberg Businessweek that Apple hates Android just for show. He believes people should not look only to the competitions, but should focus on the potential cooperation opportunities to make the world better.The following is overview of the interview:Q: When you took over as CEO, one of your goals was to take the cle...

   Steve Jobs,Android,Larry Page     2012-04-08 08:30:33

  Collection Of Puzzles For Programmers

Did you know that we have a nice collection of puzzles here on less than dot? Some are harder than others so there is something for everyone. You can pic any language you want, you will see that there are solutions in Ruby, Python, Visual Basic, SQL, JavaScript, C++ and other. Here is a partial list of what we have Friday the Thirteenths The goal is to identify all friday the thirteenths for a given timeframe Regular Pentagon Given a grid co-ordinate (x,y) as the centre point of a regu...

   Programming puzzle,Fibonacci,Prime,ASCII     2012-01-04 08:06:18

  Turn on SecurityManager in Java

SecurityManager in Java is to check whether the application codes can access some restricted resource such as file, socket etc. This can be used in applications which have high security requirements. With this feature turned on, our system resources can be secured with only permitted operations. When JVM starts, it will first check whether the SecurityManager is on by checking the system property, if it's on, then an instance of SecurityManager will be created and it can be...

   SecurityManager,enable,program     2013-12-16 05:03:53

  When and How to Use the Go Channel

Go’s concise structure and powerful native library enable us to hit the ground running easily. It is more efficient than Java or Python when implementing the same functions, especially its concurrent programming, which is very handy and widely admired due to its goroutine and channel. goroutine and channel has much to dig into, and let’s start with channel, which I used to consider narrowly as a message queue to transfer data between gorouti...

   GOLANG,CONTEXT,CHANNEL     2022-09-17 23:06:36

  Do American teenagers hate Facebook?

PewInternet released latest survey report about Internet and life. The report shows that Facebook is still the favorite social network of American teenagers, but it's also the most criticized one. Although some people enjoyed staying on Facebook, most people are complaining that there are more and more adult contents and negative social interactions on Facebook. The key findings are: Teens are sharing more information about themselves on social media sites than they did in the past. Teen Twitte...

   American teenage,Facebook,Survey     2013-05-26 10:37:40

  5 Ways to Boost MySQL Scalability

There are a lot of scalability challenges we see with clients over and over. The list could easily include 20, 50 or even 100 items, but we shortened it down to the biggest five issues we see.1. Tune those queriesBy far the biggest bang for your buck is query optimization. Queries can be functionally correct and meet business requirements without being stress tested for high traffic and high load. This is why we often see clients with growing pains, and scalability challenges as their site becom...

   MySQL,Scalability,Methods,Implementation,Practice     2011-10-18 02:57:27

  Why I love everything you hate about Java

If you’re one of those hipster programmers who loves Clojure, Ruby, Scala, Erlang, or whatever, you probably deeply loathe Java and all of its giant configuration files and bloated APIs of AbstractFactoryFactoryInterfaces. I used to hate all that stuff too. But you know what? After working for all these months on these huge pieces of Twitter infrastructure I’ve started to love the AbstractFactoryFactories. Let me explain why. Consider this little Scala program. It uses â€Å...

   Java,Comparison,Modularity,API     2011-11-29 08:48:15


As the list of *-as-a-service’s continues to grow, I thought I’d throw one into the mix. What about the idea of a backend-as-a-service (BaaS)? The recent surge of client side Javascript frameworks along with the attractiveness of simple RESTful APIs has created an environment where server-side interaction can be reduced to simply database interaction (including validation and some computation). But why stop there? What if the server-side of the equation was simply a RESTful, ...

   Web design,Backend,Service,BaaS,Client JavaScript     2011-12-29 09:07:38

  Command line todo list manager-- Taskwarrior

What is Taskwarrior? Taskwarrior is a task management tool in a terminal environment, it has powerful functions. Here is a short description about it from its official website: It maintains a task list, allowing you to add/remove, and otherwise manipulate your tasks. Task has a rich set of subcommands that allow you to do sophisticated things. You'll find it has customizable reports, charts, GTD features, device synching, documentation, extensions, themes, holiday files and much more. Installa...

   Taskwarrior,Task management     2013-08-12 23:44:20

  Top 10 Go Coding Traps and Tips

Go is currently the most common programming language in cloud development. Though I use it very much in my work, I am still repeating certain mistakes. This article is more a record of these errors, figuring out the causes and solutions so that people who read this article will save themselves time when coming across the same problems. Let’s cut through to the tips. Don’t rely on index var in the for loop The most common mistake we make is that we often create goroutine&nbs...

   TIPS,GOLANG,NIL INTERFACE     2021-07-03 23:45:51