Today's Question:  What does your personal desk look like?        GIVE A SHOUT


  Using Angular 2 with Asp.Net MVC/Asp.Net Core development professionals bring this post to explain the use of Angular 2 with MVC/ Core. You will read the overview of Angular 2 and Core at first in this post. Read the article to find how experts use Angular 2 with MVC / Core. Angular 2 Overview Angular 2 is the upcoming version of MV framework used for creating high level applications in browser. It contains everything needed to create a complex mobile or web apps from a variety of templates. Angular team recently re...

   ASP.NET DEVELOPMENT,ANGULAR 2, ASP.NET MVC     2016-10-29 05:15:06

  An open letter to those who want to start programming

First off, welcome to the fraternity. There aren’t too many people who want to create stuff and solve problems. You are a hacker. You are one of those who wants to do something interesting. “When you don’t create things, you become defined by your tastes rather than ability." – WhyTheLuckyStiff Take the words below with a pinch of salt. All these come from me – a bag-and-tag programmer. I love to get things working, rather than sit at something and over-o...

   Programming,Tips     2011-06-09 23:45:45

  An open letter to those who want to start programming

First off, welcome to the fraternity. There aren’t too many people who want to create stuff and solve problems. You are a hacker. You are one of those who wants to do something interesting. “When you don’t create things, you become defined by your tastes rather than ability." – WhyTheLuckyStiff Take the words below with a pinch of salt. All these come from me – a bag-and-tag programmer. I love to get things working, rather than sit at something and over-o...

   Tips,Programming,C,C++,Java,Skill,Develo     2011-08-11 11:24:50

  Bionic Office

Well. That took rather longer than expected. We have, finally, moved, into the new Fog Creek office at 535 8th Avenue, officially ten months after I started pounding the pavement looking for a replacement for my grandmother's old brownstone where we spent our first few years, working from bedrooms and the garden. Most software managers know what good office space would be like, and they know they don't have it, and can't have it. Office space seems to be the one thing that nobody can get rig...

   Work place,Life,Office,Confortable     2012-01-18 09:00:55

  How to Stream Your PC Games to Android with Steam Link

If you are a PC gamer who is in a hurry to compete, Steam Link is looking for a possible answer. With this on your Android phone, you can play games on your phone with your computer. What is steam link? Basically, steam link is a perspective of streaming your steam library in other gadgets. The first steam link is a physical set of the best box you share with your TV, and after using its gaming PC after playing the Fate Grand Order game in your TV. The steam link application is another Andr...

   PC GAMES TO ANDROID WITH STEAM LINK     2018-06-03 05:04:33

  Host multiple websites in Wamp

I have decided to start playing around with the Zend Framework. I have a web host (of course) however sometimes when developing I find it is easier and faster to use a local web server, with all the bells and whistles. WAMP, LAMP (this link is ubuntu specific, but any linux distribution should have easy HowTo guide for installing the LAMP software stack), MAMP, all provide the basic environment for beginning web development, and some have nice little GUIs to help you con...

   multiple hosts, wamp, websites, differen     2011-04-04 11:42:06

  What is goroutine?

Casual Talk Golang is quite enjoyable to write, aside from the tedious if err != nil checks. One of the fundamental reasons for the joy is goroutine, a core feature of Golang. Understanding goroutines in detail is worthwhile, as they contribute significantly to the pleasure of working with Golang. So, let's talk about goroutines, hoping to provide some insights to the readers. TL;DR: We'll start by talking about assembling a computer, then delve into some concepts of the operating system, such ...

   EXPLANATION,GOLANG,GOROUTINE     2024-01-21 03:26:10

  Ruby is beautiful (but I’m moving to Python)

The Ruby language is beautiful. And I think it deserves to break free from the Web. I think the future of Ruby is firmly stuck in Web development, though, so I’m going to invest in a new language for data analysis, at least for now. This is a look at the fantastic language I came to from Java and a look at a possible candidate. (Update: I’ve since written a followup.)Java to RubySix years ago, I added Ruby to my technical arsenal. I learned C++ and Java in high school, and I p...

   Ruby,Java,Python,Comparison,Advantage,Ruby vs Python     2011-11-01 07:18:11

  Learning Go

This year I'm going to try a new programming language - Go. I had this notion that compiled, type based languages are overly complex and reduces developer efficiency. However, after doing some reading about Go, it appeared to take a different path from the rest and felt like something worth trying. Acquainting a programming language is a journey. First few steps you take with it will define your perception about it. These first few steps went well for me with Go and it felt lik...

   Go,Google,Learning,Resource     2012-01-05 08:09:55

  Social networks are becoming your personal operating system

Today’s biggest trends — the mobile web, social media, gamification, real-time — are changing the landscape for business. Consumers are connecting with one another, and in the process they’re becoming increasingly empowered and influential.How these connected consumers discover, share, and communicate is different than the way they used to. This change requires businesses to rethink their approach. Organizations need to examine the impact of technology on consumer beh...

   Facebook,Operating System,Social network,Feature,Facebook me     2011-10-28 10:02:55