Today's Question:  What does your personal desk look like?        GIVE A SHOUT


  Android socket programming example

Socket is a kind of interface for different sides t communicate, it usually identified by an IP and a port. There are many server side software on a server and they would provide different service. Each server many create some sockets and bind them to some ports so that clients can listen to. Software on the Internet will exchange data though a bidirectional connection established. Each end of the connection has a socket created. In Java, Socket and ServerSocket are in package, ServerSo...

   Android,Socket,Java     2013-05-11 22:17:16

  Symbian is dead

Although Nokia has repeatedly indicated that it will give up Symbian, but no one thought their actions would be so fast. This morning, some people from Nokia Italy said Symbian's life will be ended prematurely. The source revealed some information of Symbian's future.  The Nokia 808 will be equipped with the Symbian Belle FP1 system, Nokia will soon provide updates to this hand phone with Symbian Belle FP2, the platform will no longer receive any updates there after..Of course, this also me...

   Nokia,Symbian,Death     2012-05-24 04:57:16

  Alibaba gains spotlight due to female employee alleging sex harassment from supervisor

During the weekend, the Chinese e-commerce giant Alibaba gains spotlight from Chinese general public due to a hot discussion going on on various Chinese social media platforms where a female employee alleges that her supervisor(alias Yi Qu) conducted sex harassment on her during a previous business trip. The case happened a couple of weeks back where the female employee at Alibaba was asked by her direct supervisor to go for a business trip to Shandong province(a northern province in China), sh...

   ALIBABA,SEX HARASSMENT     2021-08-07 22:27:02

  GoLang to build smaller executable file

Normally the executable file built with go is a bit large, it is always desired that a smaller executable file should be generated though. In this post, a couple of ways to reduce the size of the executable will be introduced. The end effect is that the executable file size would be much less than the normal generated one. The file which is built normally has below size. Mode LastWriteTime Length Name ---- ------------- ------ ---- -a---- 12/14...

   GOLANG,EXECUTABLE     2019-12-13 20:10:45

  Using public key authentication in SSH

SSH is a popular cryptographic network protocol for secure network service operation. It is frequently used in remote server login. For a system administrator or software developer, SSH is frequently used to access remote servers or development servers or testing servers etc.  To login with SSH, there are different authentication mechanisms : password, public key and interactive etc. If a remote server needs to be accessed frequently, password authentication may be too troublesome as p...

   LINUX,DEBUG,SSH,PUBLIC KEY     2016-09-10 05:55:46

  10 design flaws of JavaScript

JavaScript's design took only ten days. Moreover, the designer didn't want to design it initially, he just wanted to complete the task assigned by company. It is now a very powerful client side programming language used in almost all the websites. It's an excellent language, but it also has some flaws. 1. Not suitable for large projects JavaScript doesn't have namespace, it's hard to be modular, there is no standard for putting codes in multiple source files. It allows defining functions with th...

   JavaScript, Design flaw, Object     2012-11-29 11:39:35

  What is good design?

Some quotes about good design from a Germany designer Dieter Rams in documentary "Objectified": Good design should be innovative Good design should make a product useful Good design is aesthetic design Good design will make a product understandable Good design is honest Good design is unobtrusive Good design is long-lived Good design is consistent in every detail Good design is environmentally friendly Good design is as little design as possible This brings up a question -- what...


  5 Mistakes Developers Should Avoid before Launching Their API

Time is money in the API industry, and everyone wants to be timely for the API’s milestone event: its eventual launch. Delays in this event can be very costly, so the sooner the API can be integrated, the better. Many developers start their work knowing quite well that the clock is ticking. But prioritizing a quick launch—at the cost of everything else—can do a lot of damage in the long run. A rushed launch may result in unstable integration, a host of errors and bugs, lower en...

   TIPS,API DESIGN     2020-05-18 07:08:22

  5 tips for developing HTML5 mobile games

Previously at Creat Studios, Vivendi Games Mobile and JAMDAT, amongst others, Scott brings eighteen years of industry experience to MocoSpace. He heads the company's internal game studio.We've all witnessed the growth of mobile and social gaming over the past two years: the two genres have continued to evolve independently, while also coming together and embracing the power of HTML5.Mobile browser-based social games have found an audience and are thriving.This new gaming category draws from the ...

   HTML5,Mobile,Game design,Tips,Mobile dev     2011-09-05 08:15:09

  A return to good code

Stop doing this:public boolean foo() { if (true) {   return true;   }  else {   return false;   }}It always amazes me when I dig into an open source project, and I see code written by supposed experts, and reviewed by seasoned professionals, and nobody slaps the wrists of the developer who shoves return statements right in the middle of a method.Tell me, how hard is it to do this:public boolean foo() {   boolean flag = true;  ...

   Java,Code,Method,Return,Condition     2011-03-23 01:24:47