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SEARCH KEYWORD -- Dynamic scripting language

  Different ways of handling concurrent job in GoLang

GoLang provides very good support of concurrency and the way to make some code to run concurrent is pretty simple and straightforward. Adding a simple go before a normal function call will make the function call asynchronous. In real cases normally people would concurrently run some jobs to improve the speed and efficiency. One important part of running jobs concurrently is about aggregating results so that the consequent function call would be able to proceed. There are multiple ways handling t...


  etcd installation and usage

etcd is an open source and highly available distributed key-value storage system and is commonly used in critical data storage and service discovery and registration use cases. It is focusing on: Simple: well-defined, user-facing API (gRPC) Secure: automatic TLS with optional client cert authentication Fast: benchmarked 10,000 writes/sec Reliable: properly distributed using Raft etcd and Redis both support key-value storage and can be set up in distributed systems. Also Redis supporst more key...


  Before Python

This morning I had a chat with the students at Google's CAPE program. Since I wrote up what I wanted to say I figured I might as well blog it here. Warning: this is pretty unedited (or else it would never be published :-). I'm posting it in my "personal" blog instead of the "Python history" blog because it mostly touches on my career before Python. Here goes.Have you ever written a computer program? Using which language?HTMLJavascriptJavaPythonC++COther - which?[It turned out the students ha...

   Python,History,Programming language,B     2012-01-18 08:08:53

  A strange behavior of printing struct with nested struct in GoLang

Normally when trying to print a struct , we would use %v to show all data of the struct. It will print the default format for each field in the struct. %v the value in a default format when printing structs, the plus flag (%+v) adds field names But recently we observed a strange behavior when printing a struct with nested struct which has a String() string implemented, the %v format prints an 'unexpected' output per our understanding.   Let's see the example snippet first. pa...

   PROGRAMMING,GOLANG     2018-10-29 09:59:49

  Must read C++ book list

Every programmer should read some books to enhance their understanding about the language before the start to practice. But some of us often wonder what books we should read and in what order. Some books may not be suitable for beginners and some books may cover the similar topics. Here I summarize a C++ book list we should read.Stage 1"Essential C++" : It is short but powerful and it can enhance our understanding of C++'s features.This book is specifically designed to bring you up to speed in a...

   C++,Book list,Read,Effective C++     2012-05-23 13:03:30

  If a programming language was a boat…


   Programming,Turing,C,C#     2011-06-24 01:07:42

  Spring – Web sockets in Java Development

Experts of java development team are sharing this article with entire java development community. The purpose behind intending this post is to explain spring – Web sockets as a concept to rest of the world. Technology: Web socket is the one of the protocol supported by web-browsers and web-servers. It provides the two-way communication between client and server. It is used in any Java application for providing the two way communication between client and server. It opens a connection betw...


  Interview Programming Problems Done Right

Introduction Why 37signals Doesn't Hire Programmers Based on Brainteasers and my comment on HN generated a lot of responses, so much so that I'm writing this post to properly explain the essence of a good (IMHO) interview programming problem. Pascal's Triangle Pascal's Triangle is a shortcut for getting coefficients most often used binomial probability. The root element is 1. Every other element is the sum of the one or two above it (diagonally left and diagonally right). There are severa...

   Interview,Programming problem,Pascal,Triangle     2012-01-06 09:46:43

  XML Abuse

It’s everywhere. XML Abuse. From Domain Specific Languages to Data Serialization, XML is the most commonly abused data format I’ve ever encountered. XML is perfectly fine for (because it was designed for this): First of all: XML was designed to be written by humans and read by humans. Nearly all generated XML I’ve seen sucks badly. I think this is because XML cannot efficiently represent common data structures found in programming languages.XML is good...

   XML,Abuse,Alternative,Serialization,Data storage     2011-12-14 07:12:10

  HTTP Streaming and Internet Explorer

In early 2006, Alex Russell posted about a neat hack that the Google Talk team in Gmail use to support Comet in Internet Explorer, a trick which works as far back as IE 5.01. What great news! A reliable way to stream Comet messages to Microsoft’s browsers. If only it were that easy. I have not been alone in the following findings: after connecting the htmlfile ActiveX object as a streaming Comet transport to my Comet server, everything works perfectly for a few messages, but then abruptly...

   IE,Streaming,JavaScript,htmlfile,ActiveX     2011-09-05 04:05:23