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SEARCH KEYWORD -- Dynamic scripting language

  8 very useful and free web security testing tools

With more pervasive of web applications, web security threats are becoming increasingly prominent. Hackers gain web server control by exploiting web server vulnerabilities and SQL injection vulnerabilities, then they may tamper with web content, or steal important internal data, the more serious is to inject malicious code into web pages to affect visitors of websites. Attention is gradually warming up to Web Application Security. Here we recommend eight very useful and free web security testing...

   Website, security,Web security,Attack     2012-07-22 10:59:09

  Fastjson just fixed a bug which might cause out of memory issue

Fastjson just fixed a bug which might cause service down a few days ago. This bug is caused by some mishandling of special character \x which is an escaped character to indicate hexdecimal number. The impact of this bug would be big if the attacker constructs a malicious data which would cause the service down.  The code which causes the issue is in, when a JSON string is passed in, fastjson would parse the string character by c...

   FASTJSON,ALIBABA,BUG,NEWS     2019-09-07 06:03:49

  Scala, Patterns and The Perl Effect

He tried to understand that one concept for a couple of months before it made sense to him. Admittedly, partial functions are not intuitive for anyone who has been schooled in traditional programming, but still, looking at the problem he was trying to solve it seemed like James was required to expend too much effort relative to the simplicity of the problem (as he pointed out, now that he understands the concept it seems straightforward). He showed me the code, and it was basically a situa...

   Scala,Perl,Pattern,Partial function,Template     2011-12-21 09:25:41

  Strict mode in JavaScript

1. Introduction In addition to normal mode, ECMAScript 5 includes the other mode : strict mode. It means it will make JavaScript codes execute in a more strict environment. The purposes to have strict mode are: Remove some unreasonable and parts of JavaScript syntax. Reduce some of the quirk behaviors. Remove some insecure parts of code execution. Make the execution environment more secure Improve interpret efficiency and increase the execution speed Build foundation for future JavaScript versi...

   JavaScript, Strict mode. Introduction     2013-01-17 05:00:26

  ASP.NET 4 Breaking Changes #1: requestValidationMode cause ValidateRequest=False to fail

The request validation feature in ASP.NET provides a certain level of default protection against cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks. In previous versions of ASP.NET, request validation was enabled by default. However, it applied only to ASP.NET pages (.aspx files and their class files) and only when those pages were executing.In ASP.NET 4, by default, request validation is enabled for all requests, because it is enabled before the BeginRequest phase of an HTTP request. As a result, request valid...

   ASP.NET,Html content,Error,ValidateRequest,requestValidationMode     2011-11-07 13:50:29

  Singleton Pattern in Golang

Singleton pattern is the simplest design pattern in software design. It ensures that only one instance of an object exists globally, regardless of how many times the object is instantiated. Based on the characteristics of the singleton pattern, it can be applied to scenarios such as global unique configuration, database connection objects, file access objects, etc. In Go language, there are multiple ways to implement the singleton pattern. Today, let's learn together about some of these approach...

   GOLANG,SINGLETON PATTERN,TUTORIAL     2023-08-18 23:52:05

  One good way to use optional parameter in function

In GoLang, it doesn't support method overloading like in Java, hence sometimes it would be a headache to create functions to construct new structs with different parameters.  Normally, we would construct the new function as below when want to let others create a new struct instance with explicit function call. type Queue struct { Name string } func NewQueue(name string) *Queue { return &Queue{name} } But with the scope and complexity of the struct increases, there might be more prope...


  Understand more about Go basics with one interview question

First, let's take a look at below Go interview question: package main const s = "" // len(s) == 9 // 1 << 9 == 512 // 512 / 128 == 4 var a byte = 1 << len(s) / 128 var b byte = 1 << len(s[:]) / 128 func main() { println(a, b) } What would be the output in your mind? The output would be 4 0. Surprising? Before getting to the output values, some concepts in Go need to be introduced and explained in more detail. len()  len() is a built-in function in Go to get t...

   GOLANG,CONSTANT,SHIFT OPERATION,LEN()     2020-10-10 02:52:19

  Learn these technical skills within one day

It takes days and days reading books, practicing and involving in real project if you want to learn a programming language well. It's just like a marathon, you will get more if you can insist longer. During this long and boring period, there are always something you can learn within a short period of time, like within one day. These skills can bring your big satisfaction. Below are a list of technical skills which you can pick up within one single day, they are advocated by Jacob Jensen, a Googl...

   Technical skill     2014-06-12 09:33:15

  About go get and go install in Go 1.16

Go version 1.16 beta1 has been released on 18 Dec 2020, major features of Go 1.16 have been finalized with this beta release. Many people are discussing about the support of Apple M1, however, this post will not cover this topic. Instead the focus will be on go get and go install changes. There are lots of changes related to modules in Go 1.16, the details can be found in the release note. Below are some of the key highlights. GO111MODULE is on by default, if wanna keep old behavior, needs...

   GOLANG,GO 1.16,GO INSTALL     2020-12-26 00:26:58