Today's Question:  What does your personal desk look like?        GIVE A SHOUT


  The Book That Every Programmer Should Read

No, it’s not Knuth’s “The Art of Programming”. I’m talking about quite an easy-to-read (compared to TAoP) book, which, in fact, does not require any engineering or mathematical background from the reader.I am talking about C. Petzold’s “CODE”. It is a truly remarkable book about how computers work. Let me explain why I think this book is so awesome.The book starts from the very beginning, from explaining what code is, bringi...

   Programmer,Book,Must read,CODE,C. Petzold     2011-10-31 10:43:58

  9 Outstanding Ways Artificial Intelligence Can Transform Retail

Artificial intelligence has been around for quite some time. However, Amazon was the first company to apply it in the retail industry. Now, it automates most processes on the platform, replaces the people's’ work, and increases the productivity in every possible field. Here are nine useful ideas for you to start using AI in retail. 1. Tracking the Overstock and Out-of-Stock Items It is necessary to know exactly how many items are left in stock (or whether there are any left at all). Selle...


  40+ Techniques to enhance your php code

1. Do not use relative paths , instead define a ROOT path Its quite common to see such lines : 1require_once('../../lib/some_class.php'); This approach has many drawbacks : It first searches for directories specified in the include paths of php , then looks from the current directory. So many directories are checked. When a script is included by another script in a different directory , its base directory changes to that of the including script. Another issue , is that when a script is being ru...

   PHP,Quirk,Trick,Efficiency,Techniques     2012-04-10 13:06:55

  Mozilla Firefox Browser Tips & Tricks You Didn't Know About

Chrome might be all the rage right now, but Mozilla’s Firefox browser has always held its own in the browser wars. This open-source browser has its core set of dedicated fans and is popular under a broad user base across the world. With Firefox’s faster web page download speeds and strong privacy policies, it’s not hard to imagine why. But there are some other brilliant features that many might have missed. Take a look at these seven Firefox tricks that many users don’t k...

   NORDPASS,FIREFOX     2020-01-07 09:18:53

  Only fast languages are interesting

If this isn’t a Zawinski quote, it should be. I have avoided the JVM my entire life. I am presently confronted with problems which fit in the JVM; JVM libraries, concurrency, giant data: all that good stuff. Rather than doing something insane like learning Java, I figured I’d learn me some Clojure. Why not? It’s got everything I need: JVM guts, lispy goodness; what is not to love? Well, as it turns out, one enormous, gaping lacuna is Clojure’s numerics performanc...

   Fast language,Clojure,Perl,JVM SLOW,Lush     2011-11-30 11:16:01

  A brief guide to tech internships

Planning to be an Intern in the Bay Area during Summer 2012? Make sure to read an Intern's Guide to the Bay Area, and join the 2012 Facebook group.  (via this guy, via this guy) Joel Spolsky, from the Joel On Software blog and StackOverflow, wrote an article with Advice for Computer Science College Students back in '05. According to Joel,  No matter what you do, get a good summer internship. As such: here’s everything you ever wanted to know about tech inter...

   Internship,Advice,CS student     2012-02-01 04:48:31

  10 reasons why I "hate" working in Facebook

To me, the past two years in Facebook is simply a nightmare, To celebrate the upcoming 2 year anniversary, I decided to jump out of it. Facebook, I have so many reasons to hate you. However, for fear that readers find me too annoying, I take my complaints to be condensed into the top ten reasons.1. Why should submit so much code? In the past two years, the number of Facebook engineers is doubled, and the amount of code submitted by each engineer is also increased with the increase of the number ...

   Facebook,Hate,Leave     2012-08-17 13:34:05

  Ubuntu and GNOME jump the shark

I upgraded to Ubuntu 11.04 a week or so back in order to get a more recent version of SCons. 11.04 dropped me into the new “Unity” GNOME interface. There may be people in the world for whom Unity is a good idea, but none of them are me. The look is garish and ugly, and it takes twice as many clicks as it did before to get to an application through their supposedly “friendly” interface as it did in GNOME Classic. No, dammit, I do not want to text-search my applic...

   Ubuntu,GNOME,Open source,Unity     2011-10-17 11:19:00

  HTTP Server development resource summary

This article summarizes some materials, articles and books I used when learning HTTP Server development. Hope this will help you. RFC and standard documents RFC2616 – Hypertext Transfer Protocol — HTTP/1.1 HTTP protocol standard document, it's an essential reference document for all personnel engaged in the development of the HTTP-related projects, careful study is recommended. RFC793 – TRANSMISSION CONTROL PROTOCOL TCP Protocol standard document The WWW Common Gateway Interfac...

   HTTP Server,Book,Article     2012-09-25 22:46:56

  the Performance Golden Rule

Yesterday I did a workshop at Google Ventures for some of their portfolio companies. I didn’t know how much performance background the audience would have, so I did an overview of everything performance-related starting with my first presentations back in 2007. It was very nostalgic. It has been years since I talked about the best practices from High Performance Web Sites. I reviewed some of those early tips, like Make Fewer HTTP Requests, Add an Expires Header, and Gzip Components. ...

   Web design,Golden rule,Performance     2012-02-17 07:51:09