Today's Question:  What does your personal desk look like?        GIVE A SHOUT


  I’m too lazy to be a HTML developer

There’s no denying it. I’m just to damn lazy to be an HTML developer. This really sunk in when I looked at a tutorial for doing a jQuery Lightbox – for a client project. The tutorial was titled “Super Simple Lightbox with CSS and jQuery” but after reading it over I thought a better title would be “A really freaking hard tutorial on the inane intricacies of doing something that looks simple but in reality is a skein of HTML, Javascript and CSS that no...

   Web design,HTML,JavaScript,Complexity,Messy     2011-12-18 10:42:45

  CSS Selector for Web Scraping

Creating a web scraper is no easy task. This is because it requires precision to identify the specific data points that we intend to collect for the end goal we are working towards.  Whether we are looking to create a marketing content database or analyze market trends, the last thing we need from our scraper is for it to return a lot of unnecessary data that will not help our cause. To avoid the inconvenience of going through huge amounts of data to get what we requested, it is crucial to ...

   CSS,WEB DESIGN,SELECTOR     2023-02-20 07:32:53

  Use CSS calc to align an element vertically

calc function is a function introduced in CSS3, it can be used to calculate length values. There are a few good features which make it suitable for aligning an element vertically. One good part is that the operands can have different units like percentage, px, rem etc. This makes it very flexible when calculating the length value. One example: .rect{ margin-top:20px; height:50px; background:green; width:calc(100%-20px); } Here the left operand uses percentage while the right one ...

   CSS3,CALC,VERTICAL ALIGN     2019-08-23 20:30:23

  Venn Diagram entirely in CSS

The HTML5 Microzone is presented by DZone and Microsoft to bring you the most interesting and relevant content on emerging web standards.  Experience all that the HTML5 Microzone has to offer on our homepage and check out the cutting edge web development tutorials on Script Junkie, Build My Pinned Site, and the HTML5 DevCenter. A friend of mine alerted me this weekend to just how much I have a weird fascination with Venn diagrams. I decided to roll with it. So yeah...

   CSS,Venn Diagram,Implementation     2012-02-06 08:10:41

  Simple Animation in the HTML5 Canvas Element

HTML5 is generating all kinds of buzz these days. Some of the buzz is about HTML5 being a replacement for Adobe’s Flash. I don’t think it’s there yet but it’s certainly on the way to changing the way content is presented on the web. This is a description of a very simple animation in an HTML5 canvas element. It is coded for readability and not for optimized operation. We’ll add a canvas element to a web page and then use javascript to draw on it. We will...

   HTML5,Canvas,Animation,Sample code     2011-07-01 10:20:08

  CSS3 & HTML5 Support in Browsers

Last week we launched, a simple app which reveals your browsers' support for CSS3 and HTML5 features in an easy to read format using Modernizr.We've had a great response and we're going to be implementing some of your feedbackin the near future.UPDATE: Check out our Web Designers' HTML5 & CSS3 ChecklistFor now though I thought people mind find it useful to know the state of support in the current browser market.  I've taken all the A-Gra...

   CSS,HTML5,Web browser,Support     2011-05-14 11:26:45

  Use of @font-face

Almost all web browsers(including the dinosaur browser IE6) support the web font property @font-face. Its usage is: @font-face { font-family: 'MyWebFont'; src: url('webfont.eot'); /* IE9 Compat Modes */ src: url('webfont.eot?#iefix') format('embedded-opentype'), /* IE6-IE8 */ url('webfont.woff') format('woff'), /* Modern Browsers */ url('webfont.ttf') format('truetype'), /* Safari, Android, iOS */ url('webfont.svg#svgFontName') format('svg'); /* Legacy iOS */ } Now we...

   CSS,@font-face     2014-06-08 07:17:34

  CSS filter effects in action

CSS filter effects in action Ever since CSS filter effects landed in WebKit, I thought about theirs practical implementation. How will they fit with the current web design trends? At this time, my initial impressions are that the best way to showcase the power of CSS filters is something like an image gallery. With so many CSS filters to choose from, it will be fun to create image galleries in the future. Further in this article we’ll cre...

   CSS,filter effect     2012-05-02 05:57:11

  As A Hottest Job Ever, What Should You Know As A Front End Web Developer?

The front end web developers are the openers for the visitors to visit the web page. It is also known as the client-side development, works predominantly with HTML, CSS, and Javascript. The tools and techniques are the important players of the front end web development. The developer must be aware of the updation of web technologies.The scope is evergreen with this technology as every company or business needs a website to showcase their profile. There are many objectives must be measured while ...


  Ways to make elements in HTML center aligned horizontally

In our daily HTML design,  it is an easy job to horizontally center align an element with known width. <div class="element">I am<a href="" target="_blank" rel="external" title=""> bug </a>!</div>  .element{width:960px;margin:0 auto;}  The above codes set the width of the div block and horizontally center align it. It's very easy to implement. However, if we have some elements we don;t know their width and we still want to...

   HTML,CSS,Center align,Unknown width     2012-07-11 12:55:00