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  How does iPhone 5 compete with the latest Android and Windows Phone?

Apple's latest release of the iPhone 5 finally resolves some key issues: the larger screen, high-speed 4G LTE network, as well as a higher pixel front camera, which previously were the advantages of the Android phone. In addition, one-piece aluminum housing also gains praise. How does IPhone 5 compete with the latest Android and Windows Phone? In fact, Apple is now facing more intense competition.The most significant upgrade is the new display, 4-inch retina display compared with the old is a gr...

   iPhone 5,Android,Windows Phone,Comparison     2012-09-12 21:58:27

  The Mature Programmer

1. The Mature Programmer The mature programmer manages their own time and productivity well. The MP knows that maintenance is as much work as the initial writing and code always takes longer than you think. The MP knows that any changes to code can introduce bugs, no matter how seemingly trivial. The MP knows that premature optimization is foolish and dangerous. The MP knows that sexy coding like writing big complex systems from scratch is rarely the best way to go. The MP does not get...

   Mature programmer,MP,Feature,Coding standard,Efficiency     2011-12-05 13:12:00

  One interesting story about Chinese software development

I have once seen an interesting complaint written by one foreigner about Beijing South Railway Station (China) on foursquare. It says: "There is simply no way to buy a ticket at the machine unless you have a Chinese ID. What the hell they have English interface for then?" Apparently,the foreigner cannot buy ticket because he doesn’t have Chinese ID but there still presents an English interface for foreigners on the vending machine. Because of my profession, I find this awkward situation w...

   Software design,User experience,Importance     2012-03-26 14:42:50

  Why is programming unique profession

Why programming is unique profession - Presentation Transcript Introduction Some people says programming is difficult and for some others it is so easy. It not only depends on your capabilities, but your attitude for work. Programming is hard indeed, but not at all as difficult as life of a crook or joker who pretend, lie and act for living. Knowing what you do, life is going to be much more interesting and enjoyable for a programmer. You play with a dumb machine Computer is dumb machine. Unless...

   Programming,Unique profession,Reason     2011-07-22 23:55:09

  5 Mistakes Developers Should Avoid before Launching Their API

Time is money in the API industry, and everyone wants to be timely for the API’s milestone event: its eventual launch. Delays in this event can be very costly, so the sooner the API can be integrated, the better. Many developers start their work knowing quite well that the clock is ticking. But prioritizing a quick launch—at the cost of everything else—can do a lot of damage in the long run. A rushed launch may result in unstable integration, a host of errors and bugs, lower en...

   TIPS,API DESIGN     2020-05-18 07:08:22

  Noteworthy Aspects of PSD to Markup Conversion

Are you a great designer but can't code to turn your pixel-perfect design into a mark-up language? You will certainly begin scrolling the web to seek out an expert PSD to mark-up conversion service provider. But before venturing out for a credible service partner, it's very important to decide the right platform for your website. Especially, when you're thinking about converting your photoshop document into a CMS (content management system), you will get a plenty of choices. However, WordPress, ...

   PSD to WordPress, Convert PSD to Wordpress, Convert PSD to Wordpress Theme, PSD to Wordpress Service     2014-08-04 08:46:36

  Rust vs Go: how to choose the best programming language for your project?

Rust and Go, these two modern programming languages, with their unique advantages, are becoming hot topics in the developer community. Their competition in performance, security, simplicity, feature set, and concurrency not only influences developers' choices but also foretells future trends in software development. Battle of Performance: Rust's Precision vs. Go's Efficiency Rust, developed by Mozilla Research, has become the preferred choice for performance-sensitive applications due to its zer...

   RUST,GO,GOLANG,COMPARISON     2024-02-10 19:36:44

  A Brief Guide to Voice Navigation and the Future of UX Design

Voice devices are now everywhere, whether you like them or not. Amazon's Alexa, Google's Assistant, and Apple's Siri have proved that voice interactions are not from science fiction films but part of our new reality. Just as touch screens, voice interaction with devices will completely revolutionize how we interact with our computers, smartphones, and watches (and even cars and houses) in the coming years. But you might ask yourself, why is it evolving at such a fast speed? Well, there are many ...

   UX DESIGN     2021-11-25 02:24:55

  A Tiny MySQL++ Tutorial; C++ and MySQL; MySQL++ Example

I wrote a post about how to install MySQL++ and I thought I will write a quick tutorial on how to use it too. This is a very basic MySQL++ program and it’s very self explanatory: #include <mysql++.h> #include <stdlib.h>   using namespace std; using namespace mysqlpp;   int main() { try { Connection conn(false); conn.connect("DB NAME", "DB HOST probably localhost", "DB USER", "DB PASS"); Query query = conn.query(); } catch (BadQuery er...

   C++,Example,MySQL++,Insert,API     2011-09-05 02:12:40

  Let Your Programmers Be Silly

6Share You’re in the middle of a crazy startup development sprint. Pressure is sky high as you might have to fire everyone if you don’t generate significant traction over the next 4 months. Make it or #fail situation. The guys (I wish we’d have girls but … wait we have a student, anyway) are killing tickets and you’re pretty much on the target you’ve set with your investors. Not comfortably confident but ok. And you catch your guys debating, f...

   Programmer,Style,Management,Work     2012-01-29 04:31:56