Today's Question:  What does your personal desk look like?        GIVE A SHOUT

SEARCH KEYWORD -- Bad design

  Should a startup focus on good user experience or ship something out quickly?

For a startup, there are always arguments about whether to build a good experience or instead ship something workable out quickly. These two seem contradict with each other and it is usually hard to decide for many startup founders. But in order to win over competitors and gain large portion of market shares as soon as possible, founders must think fast and make their life change decisions. So how should we decide whether we should focus on good user experience or we should ship out the product...

   User experience,Startup     2014-01-20 06:48:28

  Responsive Web Design

With the popularity of 3G, more and more people are surfing the Internet using mobile phones. Mobile devices are becoming common devices for accessing internet. So web design faces a big challenge which is how to display the same webpage on different devices with different screen  resolutions.Screen resolution of mobile device are usually not very large, the width is below 600px, while PC usually has a resolution over 1000px. It is not an easy task to display the same content with satisfyin...

   CSS,Web design,Layout,Response web design     2012-05-03 06:59:40

  A completely new approach to surveillance - should you be worried?

Paranoia is not necessarily a bad thing - assuming someone is really out there to get you. True or not, the paranoid have had issues they need to control explode as the internet developed, they also got specific tools to make their secrets (or their life, not everybody has a dark secret) more secure and under control. Unfortunately to them, and to the amazement of science and science fiction fans worldwide, a new way of obtaining secrets has appeared and it’s something very few expected. ...

   security     2014-08-11 05:41:58

  A return to good code

Stop doing this:public boolean foo() { if (true) {   return true;   }  else {   return false;   }}It always amazes me when I dig into an open source project, and I see code written by supposed experts, and reviewed by seasoned professionals, and nobody slaps the wrists of the developer who shoves return statements right in the middle of a method.Tell me, how hard is it to do this:public boolean foo() {   boolean flag = true;  ...

   Java,Code,Method,Return,Condition     2011-03-23 01:24:47

  Why no max/min function for integer in GoLang

You may notice that there is no max/min function provided to compare the maximum/minimum of two or more integers if you are a GoLang developer with some experience . In other languages, these functions are provided as part of the core lib functions. Have you wondered why?  Indeed GoLang provides max/min function in math package, but they are used for comparing float64 data type. The signature of these two functions are math.Min(float64, float64) float64 math.Max(float64, float64) float...

   GOLANG,MAX,INT,INT64     2019-06-08 07:00:55

  How to be an excellent programmer

To use a programming language is very easy for a programmer, but it's a dream for many programmers to be an expert software developer. There are five levels of programmers: Novice, Senior novice, competent, proficient, and expert. Most programmers are senior novice. And programmer living in this level are a lot of people who have 1 to 10 years work experience.As a programmer, how to find the bottlenecks for your improvement and how to improve yourself quickly? This is really not an easy question...

   Programming,Tips,Habit     2013-03-26 09:53:38

  3 Mistakes Website Owners Must Avoid to Enjoy SEO Success

The first thing a consumer asks themselves when they enter any website/webpage is whether they should stay or not. A consumer has just a few seconds during which, you have a chance to capture and retain them or else they will go. Whether or not they stay depends on a number of factors, but these are things that you can improve in on-site SEO, assisted of course by the web design and development team. Read on to find the three biggest peeves that are causing high bounce rates on your site and ho...

   SEO,WEB DESIGN     2015-11-20 02:33:07

  Why Software Projects are Terrible and How Not To Fix Them

If you are a good developer and you’ve worked in bad organizations, you often have ideas to improve the process.  The famous Joel Test is a collection of 12 such ideas.  Some of these ideas have universal acceptance within the software industry (say, using source control), while others might be slightly more controversial (TDD).  But for any particular methodology, whether it is universally accepted or only “mostly” accepted, there are a multitude of o...

   Software,Development,Debug,Design     2011-11-21 10:27:05

  Learning to Eat Well and Stay Healthy

Back in mid-2006, I documented my fairly dramatic weight loss in a series of blog postings. I went from a high of 224 pounds to a low of 164, which made for a total loss of 60 pounds (I’m about 6 feet tall). It’s interesting to go back and re-read what I wrote back then: Diet Tips or How To Lose Weight with a Spreadsheet and a Web SiteThe Diet Plan and The Three HabitsThe Diet SpreadsheetDiet Tips: How To Eat Less Fast forward to January of 2011, and I had gained back about h...

   Healthy,Engineer,Eat well     2012-01-03 10:53:43

  Tips for a better first-time hackathon experience

Here are a few things you can consider. These are by no means the only way to go about hackathons, just what's worked for me.ProjectI strongly strongly recommend doing something you haven't done before. Even if you're going into a hackathon with the intention of winning, trying something new is always fun and will keep you engaged throughout the event. Jump into mobile development, try hardware hacking, write a compiler, whatever; it's always fun to try out new things.Sticking to things you're c...

   hackathon     2014-03-31 07:25:09