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  4 ways to obtain access token in OAuth 2.0

OAuth 2.0 is an authorization mechanism, it's ,mainly used for issuing access token. There are 4 ways to obtain access token as per RFC 6749. Authorization code Implicit Password Client credentials The third party application must obtain a client id and client secret from the target service before obtaining access token no matter which method to use. This is to prevent token to be used maliciously. Authorization code With this method, the third party application must first get an authorization...

   OAUTH2,ACCESS TOKEN,REFRESH TOKEN     2019-06-29 07:12:03

  Why Firefox Isn't Doomed

This has been a rough year for Mozilla and its Firefox team. Once the darling of the Web and the champion of the oppressed against Microsoft and Internet Explorer, Firefox is facing stiff competition from its primary benefactor and backlash from users. Chrome also seems to be the preferred browser of Web developers. Naturally, this means speculation about the future of Firefox. Has Firefox had better years? Absolutely. Does this mean that Firefox is "doomed"? Not so fast. Google Will Pro...

   Firefox,Market share,Competition,Google     2011-12-15 07:39:27

  Is Singapore a good place for startups?

Singapore is long time being considered as a perfect place for living and investing given its beautiful environment, warmly climate,  well-polished legal system and well-known richness. Its government is relatively young and open-minded. They like to take new challenges and embrace new technologies. It's the first country to open its government data to the world online. Many of you may consider that Singapore would be a perfect place for you to start your next startup. But the tr...

   SINGAPORE,STARTUP     2016-03-09 09:06:32

  Everything you need to know about what happened at Apple’s Special Event 2019

Apple’s special event that was announced in mid-November is finally over. The company held a presentation event in New York City where it highlighted the best apps and games of 2019 with no new software or hardware announcements at all.   On the event, five different nominations were announced: Apple’s chosen favourite apps, top free apps, top paid apps, top free games, and top paid games for 2019. Usual keynotes from Apple The tech industry is pretty accustomed to Apple’s...

   APPLE,EVENTS     2019-12-04 05:50:15

  Why cannot Renren be China's Facebook?

Yizhou Chen, CEO of China's SNS community Renren, shouted "one war, three battles". We do not know now how the battle progresses. Currently Renren's net market value is $1.3 billion where 900 million of them are in cash, it means the market values Renren 400 million US dollars only which is far lower than Facebook. Why cannot Renren be China's Facebook? This is a very interesting topic, many users share their opinions, Some of the main points are summarized as follows:Facebook pay more attentio...

   Renren, Facebook,SNS     2012-11-22 11:44:33

  How to install Oracle database on Linux using response file

There are two ways to install Oracle database on Linux :1). Using GUI; 2). Using response file. In this post, the method for using response file will be introduced. To install Oracle, please first get the Oracle database installation file ready. It can be downloaded from Oracle OTN. You need to have an Oracle account before you can download them. And there are three major components of the Oracle database installation : 1). The installation itself; 2). The network configuration; 3). Database cre...

   LINUX,HOW TO,ORACLE DATABASE     2017-06-03 04:15:49

  The business of software

Inspired by a talk I gave yesterday at the BOS conference. This is long, feel free to skip!My first real job was leading a team that created five massive computer games for the Commodore 64. The games were so big they needed four floppy disks each, and the project was so complex (and the hardware systems so sketchy) that on more than one occasion, smoke started coming out of the drives.Success was a product that didn't crash, start a fire or lead to a nervous breakdown.Writing software...

   Software,Design,Business,Software design     2011-10-29 07:22:09

  PHP to integrate with Sign in with Google

Google has a huge user base and hence it provides an authentication service for third party service to integrate with them so that people can sign in with Google in their services. Google also adopts OAuth 2 to provide this kind of Open ID connect service. This post will introduce how to integrate with sign in with Google functionality in your PHP website.  Create a client app on Google The first step you should follow is to create a Google app, you can follow the post here to create the p...

   PHP,GOOGLE API,OPEN API,SIGN IN WITH GOOGLE     2019-03-03 02:00:09

  How the Internet is Changing Economics

I'm not an economist by training, but I've spent a long time observing markets, and I've often wondered what the great economic thinkers of centuries past (Marx, Smith, Keynes, others) would say if they were alive today and could witness the transformations that have been caused by mass media (radio, TV, print) and the Internet. The Internet, in particular, has had a transformative effect that will doubtless be studied for hundreds of years to come. One of the things that can be said abou...

   Internet,Economic,Change,Reason     2012-01-14 12:03:05

  Feature: The History Of Mobile Gaming

Mobile phones have come a long way since the unsightly bricks of the 1980s. The sleek handsets of today are a fraction the size of their ancestors, yet exponentially more powerful. While the implications for communication have been profound, there have been many other applications for this technology. Modern devices are capable of supporting increasingly complex software, innovative interfaces and networking capabilities, and the gaming sector has been one of the biggest benefactors of this.Much...

   Game,Mobile,History,Feature, Game on mobile device     2011-10-12 11:44:30