Today's Question:  What does your personal desk look like?        GIVE A SHOUT


  Understanding GoLang interface

If goroutine and channel are considered as the foundation for GoLang concurrency, interface would be the key for data types in GoLang. In practical Go programming, almost all data types are built/used around interfaces, interface is the core of GoLang data structures. Go is not a typical OOP language, it has no class and inheritance concept syntactically. But it doesn't mean that there cannot be polymorphism in GoLang. Because of interface, it achieves the same polymorphism effect as in C++, tho...

   INTERFACE,GOLANG     2021-05-15 04:16:42

  Top 10 Go Coding Traps and Tips

Go is currently the most common programming language in cloud development. Though I use it very much in my work, I am still repeating certain mistakes. This article is more a record of these errors, figuring out the causes and solutions so that people who read this article will save themselves time when coming across the same problems. Let’s cut through to the tips. Don’t rely on index var in the for loop The most common mistake we make is that we often create goroutine&nbs...

   TIPS,GOLANG,NIL INTERFACE     2021-07-03 23:45:51

  How to Asynchronously Upload Files Using HTML5 and Ajax

In my previous posts, we discovered How to Use HTML5 File Drag & Drop, and Open Files Using HTML5 and JavaScript. Now we have a valid set of files, it possible to upload each one to the server. The process occurs asynchronously in the background so the user can complete other on-page tasks while it occurs.The HTMLLet’s examine our HTML form again:view plainprint?<form id="upload" action="upload.php" method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data"> ...

   HTML5,File upload,AJAX,Asynchronously,X-FILENAME     2011-10-29 13:45:00

  Scala feels like EJB 2, and other thoughts

At Devoxx last week I used the phrase "Scala feels like EJB 2 to me". What was on my mind?ScalaFor a number of years on this blog I've been mentioning a desire to write a post about Scala. Writing such a post is not easy, because anyone who has been paying attention to anti-Scala blog posts will know that writing one is a sure fire way of getting flamed. The Scala community is not tolerant of dissent.But ultimately, I felt that it was important for me to speak out and express my opinions. As I s...

   Scala,Module,EJB,Concurrency,Feature     2011-11-22 08:29:44

  How to be an excellent programmer

To use a programming language is very easy for a programmer, but it's a dream for many programmers to be an expert software developer. There are five levels of programmers: Novice, Senior novice, competent, proficient, and expert. Most programmers are senior novice. And programmer living in this level are a lot of people who have 1 to 10 years work experience.As a programmer, how to find the bottlenecks for your improvement and how to improve yourself quickly? This is really not an easy question...

   Programming,Tips,Habit     2013-03-26 09:53:38

  C++ 11 Memory Management

Enterprise development and networking specialist Stephen B. Morris illustrates how to handle a classic C/C++ problem by using the new features in C++ 11 in conjunction with more established techniques.Memory management has always been one of the most error-prone areas of C++. The same is true of C. One of the strengths of managed languages, such as Java and C#, is their support for automatic garbage collection. Garbage collection still isn't a feature of C++ 11, so we must still be caref...

   C++ 11,Memory management,GC,Memory leak     2012-01-10 01:14:59

  Cross Browser HTML5 Drag and Drop

HTML5 Drag and Drop has been talked about a lot lately, but it’s hard to find really useful information about implementing it across multiple browsers.Mozilla, Apple and Microsoft all have pages describing how to use it, but their examples seem to work only in their particular browser (Apple’s example doesn’t even work in their own! Updated, Jan. 11, 2009: Although I have not been able to get this example working on Safari 2.0.4 and 3....

   HTML5,Drag and drop, Demo,Source code,Cr     2011-09-20 13:42:45

  What are some popular myths in software development?

This article is summarized from a question on Quora .The question is         What are some popular myths in software development?Here is the answer which received most votes given by a guy named Lee Semel,. Some of the most prevalent myths are:The Waterfall Method of design, the idea that it is both possible, efficient and good practice to completely specify a system before building it, and to execute the steps of a software project sequentially rather than iter...

   Software design,Myths,Waterfall model     2012-05-02 04:52:01

  Java vs F#

Dr Cliff Click of Azul Systems, specialists in manycore JVM systems, recently published a blog post about the performance of Java compared primarily to C and C++ but also discussing C# and .NET. Three of Cliff's comments are of particular interest:Under the heading "Places where C/C++ beats Java for obvious reasons":"Value Types, such as a 'Complex' type require a full object in Java." - Dr Cliff ClickWhat Cliff forgot to mention is that .NET also provides value types and a far more compell...

   Java,F#,Performance,JVM     2012-03-07 05:07:31

  Python Performance Tips, Part 1

To read the Zen of Python, type import this in your Python interpreter. A sharp reader new to Python will notice the word “interpreter”, and realize that Python is another scripting language. “It must be slow!” No question about it: Python program does not run as fast or efficiently as compiled languages. Even Python advocates will tell you performance is the area that Python is not good for. However, YouTube has proven Python is capable of serving 40 million videos...

   Python,Performance,Efficiency,Tips     2012-02-14 10:50:22