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  GCC is compiled with C++ compiler

On 15 Aug, 2012, GCC merged a patch--Merge from cxx-conversion branch . This means GCC will be compiled with C++ compiler in the future, it also means that GCC will be implemented using C++.You may have following two puzzles:Why does GCC turn to C++?Without C++ compiler, how can we compile C++ codes?Why using C++?In GNU's C++ Conversion, we can find this description in the background section:Whether we use C or C++, we need to try to ensure that interfaces are easy to understand, that the code is reasonably modular, that the internal documentation corresponds to the code,&n...

363,709 0       C++ GCC COMPILER

  Great code is written twice (or more)

The last couple of years more and more people have been moving towards Agile development. These techniques aren’t new, most we’re devised in the 80s or 90s. But finally these days programmers and (more importantly) business consultants, architects and clients have learned to love and embrace Agile development.Evolving requirementsIt has now become common knowledge that you can’t write down all the requirements before you start the project. These requirements have to be written down in an evolutionary matter. In short cycles/sprints we build pieces of the pro...


  TIOBE : C overtakes Java as the No.1 programming language

TIOBE has released the Programming Community Index for April 2012. The highlight of this month is that C overtakes Java as the No.1 programming language again. C language is liked by more and more developers of all ages. Due to the growing popularity of the Android platform, Java decline will not be obvious. Previously Java took a very long time to overtake C, now C once again returns to the throne. The battle between these two languages will continue.The top three are respectively, C, Java and C + +. Objective-C continues to heat up, while C# drops to No.5.Other interesting moves this m...

155,294 4       JAVA C.TIOBE

  do {...} while (0) in macros

If you are a C programmer, you must be familiar with macros. They are powerful and can help you ease your work if used correctly. However, if you don't define macros carefully, they may bite you and drive you crazy. In many C programs, you may see a special macro definition which may seem not so straightforward. Here is one example:#define __set_task_state(tsk, state_value) \ do { (tsk)->state = (state_value); } while (0)There are many this kind of macros which uses do{...}while(0) in Linux kernels and other popular C libraries. What's the use of this macro? Robert Love from Google(...

140,859 14       C C++ MACRO

  Different types of keystore in Java -- Overview

Keystore is a storage facility to store cryptographic keys and certificates. They are most frequently used in SSL communications to prove the identity of servers and clients. A keystore can be a file or a hardware device. Three are three kinds of entries can be stored in a keystore depending on the types of keystores.The three types of entries are:PrivateKey : This is a type of keys which are used in asymmetric cryptography. It is usually protected with password because of its sensitivity. It can also be used to sign a digital signature.Certificate : A certificate contains a public key which c...


  String.length() vs String.getBytes().length in Java

In Java, String.length() is to return the number of characters in the string, while String.getBytes().length is to return the number of bytes to represent the string with the specified encoding. By default, the encoding will be the value of system property file.encoding, the encoding name can be set manually as well by calling System.setProperty("file.encoding", "XXX"). For example, UTF-8, Cp1252. In many cases, String.length() will return the same value as String.getBytes().length, but in some cases it's not the same.String.length() is the number of UTF-16 code units needed to represent the s...


  Which programming language should I learn first?

Recently I saw somebody asked a question in a forum, the question is "Which programming language should I learn first?". Then someone answered this question. His answer:Depends.To program in an expressive and powerful language: PythonTo get a website up quickly: PHPTo mingle with programmers who call themselves “rockstars”: Ruby.To really learn to program: C.To achieve enlightenment: Scheme.To feel depressed: SQLTo drop a chromosome: Microsoft Visual BasicTo get a guaranteed, mediocre, but well paying job writing financial applications in a cubicle under fluorescent lights: Ja...


  Gaussian Blur Algorithm

Usually, image processing software will provide blur filter to make images blur.There are many algorithms to implement blur, one of them is called Gaussian Blur Algorithm. It utilizes Gaussian distribution to process images.This article is to introduce Gaussian Blur algorithm, you will find this is a simple algorithm. In fact, it is a kind of data smoothing which can be used in many situations.1. Gaussian Blur theoryThe so called blur can be understood as taking a pixel as the average value of its surrounding pixels.On the above graph, 2 is the center point, the surrounding points are 1.The ce...