OpenLDAP Proxy -- Tricks and tips

Just like other software configuration, there would be issues encountered during the OpenLDAP proxy setup process. In this post, we would try to summarize some of the tricks and tips for OpenLDAP proxy setup. OpenLDAP Version We would always recommend that you install the latest version of the OpenLDAP because they contain the latest features, bug fixes and security patches. You should always refer to the latest release notes for new changes. In case you have used an earlier version of Open...


  People working with computers seem to have a lot of spare time

People working with computers are a group of people who spend much time on communicating with PCs, Handsets and other programmed hardware devices. Usually, these people are thought as a group of busy people. When we see them, they are often sleepy and seem not caring about anything else. They often work day and night, spend many hours on finding and fixing an unknown bug or trying to meet the project deadline  Are they really so busy?  Lets see what some people think about them? Just f...

   Programming,Busy,Spare time,Fun     2012-05-01 07:06:51

  Let 's write some front end codes

I've seen a lot of arguments that there is no much technical value writing web portal, I think that the vast majority of good programmers will try many different things. The low level development and machine learning are not the only technologies which are  full of wisdom and challenges, I wrote web site for a few years, it is difficult to say that this is my initial interest, although I touched on other technologies as well, I still feel building website is challenging. Front end developme...

   Front end development, JavaScript,CSS     2013-01-22 04:00:24

  Apple CEO criticizes Windows 8 on D10

In the D10 Digital Conference held by The Wall Street Journal, Apple’s CEO Tim Cook expressed his sharp criticism about Windows 8 to be launched by Microsoft. According to Cook, the idea of this OS attempting to perfectly apply to both tablet and PC is far from realistic.On D10, Tim Cook said : "[With Windows 8, Microsoft] is pulling all of the leg weight of the PC market. You wind up with something that's very similar to what tablets were 10 years ago. The more you look at combining th...

   Apple CEO,Tim Cook,Windows 8,D10     2012-05-31 05:31:32

  Former Microsoft Executive Vice President Qi Lu joins Baidu

Former Microsoft Executive Vice President Qi Lu joined Baidu(The largest search engine in China) on January 1, 2017. Qi will be group president and COO at Baidu. He will be in charge of Baidu's products, technology, sales and marketing and operations. And he will be the second most powerful person in Baidu just behind Robin Li, the founder and CEO of Baidu. At the same time, Robin Li will step away from daily operation of Baidu. In a statement, Robin Li said “Dr. Lu possesses a ...

   MICROSOFT,CHINA,BAIDU,NEWS,QI LU     2017-01-18 08:53:42

  What Is the Best VoIP Service Provider For Your Organization?

If you own an organization or a business and are looking for the most effective VoIP service provider, this is just the right place for you. You will get to know the best VoIP service provider for your needs. When VoIP services are the topic, there is no one like cNumber. cNumber is the best and a well-reputed name for VoIP services for most users and provides a lot of benefits for your business or firm. cNumber – Just The Perfect VoIP Service Provider With the cNumber cloud voice over IP ...

   VOIP     2020-07-14 11:06:38

  A Different Kind of Technical Interview

Everyone who's been programming professionally for a while knows the standard format of the technical interview. You go in, there's a whiteboard in the room, and you write code on it to answer questions.Everyone also has the same basic complaints about these interviews. In a normal work environment, you have access to an API or search engine, but at a whiteboard you don't. Whiteboard questions generally don't include much in the way of overall design, and they're typically limited to simple algo...

   Interview,Programming,Methods,Pairing     2011-06-04 07:56:21

  How Cloud Computing is changing the Face of Business

The world of information is getting bigger and bigger and so does the need for cloud computing is felt broadly across various industries and platforms. The ever growing popularity and adoption are due to the fact that cloud computing is efficient, reliable and secure than any other business model. However, the way cloud computing is adopted across different enterprises may vary. How cloud computing has been adopted worldwide by companies- let us have a look at few statistics that would blow you...


  Why I Use Vim

I've been using MacVIM as my editor of choice for a couple of years now, yet in many ways I still feel like a beginner. Every day I am learning more and more about my editor, but it takes a conscious effort to become proficient with an editor like Vim. Here's why I make that effort. Editors are something that are very personal; they have to fit with your own work flow approach to programming. If you have ever stopped to think about it, the way each person goes about editing text is quite differe...

   Vim,Editor,Feature     2012-01-11 12:03:35

  3 better and efficent ways of cloud to help content marketing

Content marketing has enlarged in quality over the past year, with around 88% of business-to-business (B2B) firms participating during this marketing stategy and around 90% of customers indicating that custom content is beneficial. Some businesses across industries need staff to send email newsletters, pen web log posts , draft advertisements, write grant proposals and publish white papers. flexibility to form quality content are often an important talent every  jobs However, making and mar...

   BUSINESS     2016-03-08 10:39:10