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SEARCH KEYWORD -- pseudo-element

  You can get properties of pseudo-element using JavaScript now

The pseudo-element6 in CSS is extremely useful, you can use it to create CSS triangles and lots of other elements without overuse many HTML elements. In the past, you cannot get the property value of pseudo-element in CSS using JavaScript. Now you can call a new method in JavaScript to get them easily. Assume you have below CSS codes: .element:before { content: 'NEW'; color: rgb(255, 0, 0); } To get the properties in .element:before, you can use below JavaScript method: var color = window.getC...

   pseudo-element,property,JavaScript     2014-04-05 20:58:25

  What can CSS :has pseudo class be used for?

CSS's :has is a pseudo-class representing an element if any of the selectors passed as parameters matching at least one element. From the name, it's also easy to understand how it matches elements. The syntax is pretty easy as well: :has([some-selector]) With this pseudo class, it can do lots of things which previously would be challenging or need tweaking the DOM elements with JavaScript. This post will demonstrate what :has can be used for. Introduction Below are a few simple ex...

   CSS,:HAS,:NOT,PSEUDO CLASS     2022-09-18 01:40:54

  The header element in HTML 5

Currently HTML5 is exciting and anyone who want to builds web pages is looking forward to implementing HTML5 new tags into their sites. Definitely HTML5 tags are very rich in functions that make life much easier for both webmasters and end users Within the HTML5 specfication we can see that there have been a significant number of new tags added, one of these the <header> element is what we’ll be covering here. We will talk about when to use it, when not to use it. As we ar...

   HTML5,Header     2012-05-03 09:12:58

  Guide to Implement an SSH Client Using Golang

SSH, short for Secure Shell, is a network protocol used for securely remote logging into other computers on a network. I believe most backend developers are familiar with SSH. Common shell tools used for logging into servers, such as Xshell, SecureCRT, and iTerm2, are all based on the SSH protocol. In Golang, the crypto/ssh package provides functionality for implementing an SSH client. In this article, we will explain in detail how to implement an SSH client using Golang. Creating SSH Client Con...

   SSH CLIENT,GUIDE,SSH,GOLANG     2023-11-11 09:19:29

  CSS DIV position analysis

When using CSS to set the position of DIV, we may often get confused with the 4 position properties : static, relative, absolute and fixed. If we don't understand them correctly, we may often get unexpected result. Here we make some analysis to them.The definitions of these 4 properties:static : The default position property. It has no position actually. The element will appear where it should be (top, bottom, left, right or z-index has no use here)relative : This one will position relati...

   CSS, DIV,position,relative,absolute     2013-01-29 03:23:57

  JavaScript to scroll element into view

In AJAX applications, there are frequent needs to scroll some element into view after some modification to the page. For example, after adding an item or updating an element in an admin panel, the page may need to be scrolled to the item added or updated so that we can see the changes immediately. In these cases, JavaScript can be used to scroll the element we want to show. In Vanilla JavaScript, there is no built-in function which can achieve scroll_element_into_view(), but most of modern brows...

   JAVASCRIPT,JQUERY,SCROLLTO,HOW-TO     2015-12-17 03:47:32

  CSS position explained

CSS has two very important properties on determining the position of an element in webpage: display and position. display is used to determine how elements are grouped and displayed on the page. While position is used to determine the exact position of an element on a page. And this post would explain position property in detail. position is used to determine the exact position of an element on a page. It has five possible values. static relative absolute fixed sticky sticky is supported start...

   CSS,STICKY,CSS3     2019-11-22 19:57:52

  How to use Chome dev tool to find event handler bound to an element

As a front end developer, there is frequent need to debug JS code and sometimes need to find out what event handler has been bound to a HTML element. In this post, we will show how to find out the click event handler bound to a HTML element, this same applies to other events as well. Nowadays, a web application is usually very complicated and there are lots of JS codes which makes it difficult to find out what click event handler has been bound to a HTML element, especially when the JS source co...


  Solution to IE setAttribute style problem

In IE7, the JavaScript setAttribute("style","attributes") doesn't work, but it works in IE 8 and other web  browsers. To solve the STYLE problem in IE 7 we can use a workaround method.we can use = 'color:#FF0000;';in IE 7 instead ofelement.setAttribute('style','color:#FF0000;'); ...

   JavaScript,Style,setAttribute, IE,Not work,Solution     2011-11-21 12:00:27

  Removing all child nodes from an element

When manipulating the DOM, it's often useful to remove all child nodes from a specific element. This typically comes in handy when you're looking to replace the content of an element with a separate form element, such as an <input>, so the user can edit the actual value.Here's an example of something I recently created that illustrates my point:Get the Flash Player to see this player.These "dynamic form elements" are written to the page only when the...

   Js,DOM,Remove all children,Clear,JavaScript,Code     2011-10-19 10:04:23