Today's Question:  What does your personal desk look like?        GIVE A SHOUT


  Regex vs IndexOf in Java.

Overview The author of these articles Are C# .Net Regular Expressions Fast Enough for You? and .Net Regex: Can Regular Expression Parsing be Faster than XmlDocument or Linq to Xml? recently pointed out to me that he had found that Regular expressions were at least as fast or faster than the alternatives in C#. However it has been my experience that regular expressions in Java were slower. It is hard for me to say why this might be different in Java and C# or even if these are fair compari...

   Java,indexOf,Regular Expression,Efficiency     2012-01-03 10:58:52

  Remove duplicated elements in JavaScript array

During interviews, one frequent question asked would be something like how to remove duplicated elements in a JavaScript array and how many different ways you can think of. The interviewee would also be asked to write the code down. In real applications, normally front end would not need to handle this case since normally it would be done by backend, but still it's necessary for front end developers to know different ways of doing this. This post will share some of the common ways to remove dupl...


  JQuery Mobile App Development Tips

Over the recent years, jQuery has been considered as a popular javascript library for creating rich interface websites and applications. And since the framework was initially meant to design desktop browsers, it doesn’t comprise of many features for building mobile apps. Thus, JQuery Mobile app development came into existence. Prominent jQuery development company offers  cutting-edge framework, a range of user interface elements and features for developers to develop innovative and us...


  Overlap Detection

How does one detect when two strings overlap? In the case below, the four-letter suffix of string 1 matches the four-letter prefix of string 2. 1: "Fire at Will" 2: "William Riker is number one" Sometimes there are several matches; finding the longest is not always straight forward. 1: "Have some CoCo and CoCo" 2: "CoCo and CoCo is here." 2: "CoCo and CoCo is here." 2: "CoCo and CoCo is here." The naïve solution is to take...

   String overlap,detection,python,implementation     2012-03-05 05:05:36

  JS code to check different mobile devices

Today I come across a code snippet which uses JavaScript to check different mobile devices and then loads different CSS files accordingly. As we know that there are mobile devices with different screen sizes, it's always troublesome for web developers to develop cross browser and cross device compatible codes. Hope this one can help those who develop web apps on mobile devices. // Check whether it's a mobile device // 20130716 if(/AppleWebKit.*Mobile/i.test(navigator.userAgent) || (...

   JavaScript,Mobile device,Detection     2013-11-28 05:25:10

  Basic Patterns for Everyday Programming

For most of you the patterns mentioned below should be nothing new. These are very basic stuff we slap into our code everyday and at times feels they are actually code smells than smart patterns. However, I've been doing some code reviewing lately and came across many code that lacks even these basic traits. So I thought of writing them down as a help for novice developers who would want to get a better grasp at these.These patterns are commonly applicable in most general purpose programming lan...

   Pattern,Code,NULL,Function,JavaScript,Assign default value     2011-11-23 08:03:55

  A String is not an Error

I decided to write a little article to discourage an unfortunately common pattern in Node.JS modules (and browser JavaScript, to a lesser extent) that can boil down to these two examples: // A:function myFunction () {  if (somethingWrong) {    throw 'This is my error'  }  return allGood;} and // B: async Node.JS-style callback with signature `fn(err, …)`function myFunction (callback) {  doSomethingAsync(function () {    // …    if (...

   JavaScript,Node.js,String,Error object     2011-12-23 08:00:32

  First steps with Scala, say goodbye to bash scripts…

Those who know me are aware that I’ve been following play framework, and actively taking part of it’s community, for a couple of years. Playframework 2.0 is right around the corner, and it’s core is programmed in Scala, so it’s a wonderful opportunity to give this object-oriented / functional hybrid beast a try… Like many others, I will pick a very simple script to give my first steps… Finding an excuse to give Scala a try With a couple of friends we are ...

   Scala,Functional programming,Bash script,Replacement     2012-01-12 06:45:16

  Display GIF animation while submitting the web form

Internet appears everywhere in our life. Form as a data gathering component is the must have component in a web app. When the page is submitting data to the server, if it takes a relative long time for the backend server to process the data, then the client users will feel lost while waiting for this if he cannot get any indication about what's happening. They may even reclick the button which will cause the data resubmission. This affects the user experience and also the system performance and ...

   HTML,Spin,Submit,Form     2013-05-17 11:47:07

  Avoiding and exploiting JavaScript's warts

One's sentiment toward JavaScript flips between elegance and disgust without transiting intermediate states. The key to seeing JavaScript as elegant is understanding its warts, and knowing how to avoid, work around or even exploit them. I adopted this avoid/fix/exploit approach after reading Doug Crockford's JavaScript: The Good Parts: Doug has a slightly different and more elaborate take on the bad parts and awful parts, so I'm sharing my perspective on the four issues that ha...

   JavaScript,warts,Exploit,with,variable,this     2012-02-15 05:51:21