Today's Question:  What does your personal desk look like?        GIVE A SHOUT


  A Javascript When Function

function when(conditionFunc, execFunc, interval){ if (conditionFunc()){ execFunc(); }else{ setTimeout(function(){ when(conditionFunc, execFunc, interval);}, interval); } } You have some code which should only execute when a condition is true. E.g. You have code which relies on a javascript library but can't be sure the library has loaded yet and don't want the code to execute until it has. This is common if you have a bookmarklet which injects more than one <...

   JavaScript,When,Implementation,When function     2012-02-24 05:08:34

  Execute PHP from a .html File

How can I execute PHP code on my existing myfile.html page?:When a web page is accessed, the server checks the extension to know how to handle the page. Generally speaking if it sees a .htm or .html file, it sends it right to the browser because it doesn't have anything to process on the server. If it sees a .php extension (or .shtml, or .asp, etc), it knows that it needs to execute the appropriate code before passing it along to the browser. Here is the problem: You find the perfect ...

   PHP,HTML,PHP in HTML,AddType     2011-12-26 14:01:20

  Art of code comment

Note : This post is just for fun. Please be careful about these tricks. Code comment is to provide complementary comment to abstract codes. We will introduce two comment styles while we are debugging our codes. we should avoid these styles in production codes. 1. if else style Only execute eatKfc() //* eatKfc(); /*/ eatMcdonalds(); //*/ Only execute eatMcdonalds() /* eatKfc(); /*/ eatMcdonalds(); //*/ Execute both //* eatKfc(); //*/ eatMcdonalds(...

   Comment,Style     2013-08-19 04:19:40

  Oracle database to execute multiple statements at command line

Oracle database is now a mature and popular RDBMS which is used by lots of enterprises. With its evolution, many utilities and applications are developed around it as well. Now Oracle database also provides cloud support. As a DBA, managing Oracle database is daily routine work and some tools may be used frequently. One of them is sqlplus, the command line tool for executing SQL command. sqlplus is installed while the Oracle database is installed. To start sqlplus, one just needs to open a termi...

   ORACLE,ORACLE DATABASE,SQLPLUS     2016-12-09 20:11:28

  What does session_destroy() do in PHP?

In PHP manual, the description for session_destroy() function is : session_destroy() destroys all of the data associated with the current session. It does not unset any of the global variables associated with the session, or unset the session cookie. To use the session variables again, session_start() has to be called. I am confused about this description. If this function destroys all session data, then why the global variables associated with the session are not unset? Why can we u...

   session_destroy,session_start     2013-08-31 09:59:05

  UIWebView Secrets - Part1 - Memory Leaks on Xmlhttprequest

My first blog post on iphone subject reveal a big memory bug when using UIWebView component. This is the (only one) component to display some HTML content in an iphone interface. UIWebView object has a lot of differents issues and I’m going to highlight the biggest of them. Actually, all XMLHttpRequests used in javascript code are fully leaking!!! I mean when you do a request that retrieve 100ko of data, your memory used grow up for 100ko! This bug is not always active, but almost always....

   XMLHttpRequest,Memory leak,Mobile device,UIWebView     2011-11-25 13:46:30

  Using Java keytool programmatically

Java provides a command line tool to access and operate different keystore which store keys and certificates. This tool is named keytool and is located at \bin.  On command line, you can issue below command to generate a keystore named mytest.jks which contains a private key and certificate chain. keytool -genkeypair -alias mykey -keyalg RSA -sigalg SHA256withRSA -dname CN=Java -storetype JKS -keypass password -keystore mytest.jks -storepass password Sometimes, in testing purpose, w...

   JAVA,KEYTOOL     2016-01-09 06:28:07

  Stub Mixlib::ShellOut and shell_out in Ruby unit testing

Unit testing is part of software development to ensure the tiny component of a function can work as designed. Different frameworks and tools can be used to run unit testing for different programming languages. In Ruby, one popular unit testing framework is Rspec, or Chefspec if you are writing Chef recipes. While writing Chef recipes, some low level commands(DOS commands or shell commands) need to be executed on the managed resource to perform actions or gather information. For example, lis...


  PHP Multithreading – Faking It

PHP doesn’t really support multi-threading per se but there are ways to do “fake” multithreading. Here’s one I saw in the newsletter – Multi-thread Simulation. Note that this class is intedend for use on a webserver, as opposed to running PHP scripts from a command line (or similar). Check the end of this post for some alternatives you can try if you’re using PHP as a stand-alone scripting language. Now, I’m going to be lazy and just ...

   PHP,Multithreading,Possible,CURL,Fake,Si     2011-09-04 23:07:22

  What can select do in GoLang

In Go language, select is a keyword used to listen to and perform IO operations related to channels. With the select statement, we can simultaneously listen to multiple channels and perform corresponding operations when any of the channels are ready. This article will summarize the common uses of the select statement and provide some considerations when using it. Basic syntax The basic syntax of the select statement is as follows: select { case <-channel1: // when channel1 has data to ...

   GOLANG,SELECT,USAGE,SYNTAX,TUTORIAL     2023-08-12 20:17:02