Today's Question:  What does your personal desk look like?        GIVE A SHOUT


  Magic CSS shape

There is a question on StackOverflow which states that someone finds a CSS sample on  , the sample shows a triangle created with pure CSS. The source code is :#triangle-up {width: 0;height: 0;border-left: 50px solid transparent;border-right: 50px solid transparent;border-bottom: 100px solid red;}The question is how these few lines can create a triangle? Next we give the answer and the detail illustration to this question We need to consider the B...

   CSS,Triangle,Box model,Border     2012-04-20 12:56:22

  PHP to output string to client terminal

It is a common task to echo messages to the user using PHP. There are lots of ways where the message can be echoed to the client terminal(browser or console window) through PHP. These includes some well know debug methods like var_dump() and var_export() etc. In this post, we will show you some other methods shared by Laruence, one of the core members of PHP development team. 1. echo First comes with the most common one : echo. $str = "Hello PHP\n"; echo $str; 2. print Then comes another c...

   TRICKS,DEBUG,OUTPUT,PHP     2015-10-01 03:16:56

  Some Features of Windows 10 You Didn’t Know About

Since the launch of Windows 10 everyone around the world is crazy about it. No one wants to use the old Windows 7 and 8 anymore. Windows 10 is simple, light and has all the great features. The interface is awesome and gives it a techy look as well. Well, what if we told you that there are still some features of this great OS that are yet to be discovered? Yes, that is right. Today we will be discussing a few of the features that are not commonly known to people. Secret Start Menu That is right, ...

   WINDOWS 10, WINDOWS 10 FEATURES     2020-04-17 03:26:58

  OpenLDAP Proxy -- rwm-map vs map

OpenLDAP proxy is used to proxy ldap request and response between clients and servers, different servers may have different representations/attributes to mean the same thing. For example, in one LDAP server, the firstName may be represented by firstName, it may be represented by givenName in a different server. However, from the client perspective, it only wants to get the firstName, it doesn't care about the backend attributes. In this case, attribute mapping can help provide a virtual view of ...


  Tips and tricks about JavaScript from Google

JavaScript is now a very popular client side language. It's flexible, powerful but easy to make mistakes. So good programming style is better for you to write efficient and readable JavaScript codes. Here are some tips and tricks about JavaScript from Google. True and False Boolean Expressions The following are all false in boolean expressions: null undefined '' the empty string 0 the number But be careful, because these are all true: '0' the string [] the empty array {}&n...

   JavaScript, Google, Coding standard     2013-02-26 23:11:03

  How to organize a successful technical party?

Since last year, I began to take part in some technical parties. Some are held very successful, while some seem not. In this article, I will share ideas about how to organize a successful technical party and use Golang programming language as an example. To hold a party, there must have been a stable user group first. According to the number of user, there may need a committee or a president, and the job of the organizer is searching for the sponsors, selecting the topics, etc. Although there ha...

       2015-05-15 22:28:38

  Essay Writing - Time Management For Students

Most of the senior year students have a billion things to do. You have to attend classes every day, participate in after school activities, do home assignments, sports, and do a part-time job. And now you have to deal with a new essay. So, you have to focus on time management which will help you accomplish the writing project faster and will bring some balance in your life.  Many students do not find time to write a college essay and this makes them searching who help. If you ask yourself ...

   STUDENT,ESSAY,TRAVEL     2020-01-23 07:45:11

  6 time management tips for startups

Many people are fighting for their startups, they are willing to put all their time in company operations. This 24x7 passion is necessary for startup founders. For the team in startups, the most important thing is time management, time management is a top challenge for everyentrepreneur. After years of experience working with entrepreneurs and business owners, Rieva Lesonsky has  learned a few tricks for getting more done in the 24 hours we all have. Here are 6 tips what he shared...

   startup,time management     2012-05-29 05:30:07

  Art of code comment

Note : This post is just for fun. Please be careful about these tricks. Code comment is to provide complementary comment to abstract codes. We will introduce two comment styles while we are debugging our codes. we should avoid these styles in production codes. 1. if else style Only execute eatKfc() //* eatKfc(); /*/ eatMcdonalds(); //*/ Only execute eatMcdonalds() /* eatKfc(); /*/ eatMcdonalds(); //*/ Execute both //* eatKfc(); //*/ eatMcdonalds(...

   Comment,Style     2013-08-19 04:19:40

  Some tricks and tips for using for range in GoLang

GoLang provides two major ways to loop through elements of array, slice and map. They are for and for range. Many people find that for range is very convenient when don't care about the index of the element. In this post, some tricks and tips would be talked about regarding for range. 1. Loop and get pointer of each element Assume there is a code snippet like below which is to get the pointer of each element in an array and create a new array with the corresponding pointer. arr := [2]int{1, 2} r...

   POINTER,FOR LOOP,GOLANG,FOR RANGE     2020-03-08 01:07:00