Today's Question:  What does your personal desk look like?        GIVE A SHOUT


  Career Advancement: How to Achieve Success

Your career is key in terms of making the money that you want and providing a service that you've always dreamed of offering. Regardless of the type of career that you both want or have, there are many ways for you to advance within the field. By taking charge of your goals and doing something about them, you will be able to earn the amount of money that you want to become a true success. Get a More Specific Education Getting an education is a wonderful way for you to advance within your workpla...

   CAREER,EDUCATION     2020-03-17 01:41:39

  10 advice from Jack Ma on success

Jack Ma, the founder and executive chairman of the biggest e-commerce website in China, started his business with $20,000 that his wife and friends helped him raise. He is the first mainland Chinese entrepreneur to appear on the cover of Forbes. He is the richest man in mainland China with net worth of $22.5 billion.  During these years of running Alibaba Group, Jack Ma summarized 10 advice for success, these advice are coming from his experience and mistakes he made. ...

   Jack Ma, Alibaba, Advice, China     2015-08-30 03:53:53

  PHP to get long running process progress dynamically

Frequently in web applications, we may have a request to the back end system which may trigger a long running process such as searching huge amount of data or a long running database process. Then the front end webpage may hang and wait for the process to be finished. During this process, if we can provide the user some information about the progress of the back end process, it may improve user experience. Unfortunately, in web applications, this seems not an easy task because web scripting lang...

   AJAX,PHP,progress,long process,demo     2012-06-04 07:29:37

  Tribute to Java On Successful Completion Of 20 Years

There is a great news for fans of Java that this week Java have completed its 20 years of success and that’s why it is celebrating its 20th anniversary. Java is a language which show legacy with the piece of technology and this is virtually important as the powerful programming methods and related machines are JVM (java virtual machine). SUCCESSFUL LAUNCH OF NEW VERSIONS Java developers are specially celebrating their event due to the huge success of their language and they get success a...

   Java software development, Java development services     2015-05-29 08:23:52

  Waking up early, 10 tips that work

In this blog post I am going to cover a topic that I have been occupied with for several weeks now: Becoming an early riser. Getting up early can be a great way to help you establish a daily routine which is the first step to becoming more productive. Here I present you 10 tips that helped me in becoming an early riser. 1. Get up The most important step is to get up. Actually not just get up, literally try to jump out of bed. After your alarm rings get up instantly, go to another room and t...

   Body,Rest,Health     2012-04-11 13:44:34

  What Makes A Successful Cryptocurrency?

The cryptocurrency landscape today is a little bit of a maze. There seem to be countless cryptos available — thousands of them, by some estimates — and unless you’re particularly well versed in this technology, it can be difficult to tell what differentiates them. To cut through some of the confusion, we decided to take a closer look at cryptocurrencies. We won’t simply list the most prominent ones, the way so many sites already have. Instead, we’re going to look i...

   BITCOIN,CRYPTOCURRENCY     2020-08-25 05:13:22

  App defeats web

As an admired rock musician and co-founder of the venture capital firm Elevation Partners, Roger McNamee has a statement about Apple : The reason why Apple is so successful today is because App defeats Web.Apple divides contents of web into small apps, and then ask users to pay. This actually means that Apple creates a new business model which is fundamentally different from Web.Commodity Content and Differential ContentCommodity Content is the information model in desktop and web era which is h...

   App,Web,Apple,HTML5     2012-05-16 05:16:00

  Date interval add and sub prior to PHP 5.3

After PHP 5.3, we can use DateInterval object or date_interval_create_from_date_string() function to add or subtract days,weeks,months or years to or from a DateObject.But prior to PHP 5.3,we cannot do this. If we want to achieve the same effect. We need to use some skills. Here is one:We can use strtotime() function to achieve this. For example:$date=date('Y-m-d',time());$datestamp=strtotime(date('Y-m-d',strtotime($date)).' +1 day'); $datestamp=strtotime(date('Y-m-d',strtotime($date)).' +1...

   PHP,DateInterval,Class,PHP 5.3,PHP 5.2     2011-10-21 10:50:10

  Amazon is a good company but doesn't have the best business model

Public opinion about a company is usually based on its performance. If it performs well, people will praise it, otherwise people will blame it. In 1999, Apple was still a broken apple(Steve Jobs's talent and effort was paid off yet). Public opinion about Apple was the closed model caused Apple's failure. They built hardware themselves, developed software themselves and delivered service themselves, this is certainly not sustainable. But Steve Jobs let everyone see this new model. In order to con...

   Business model,Amazon,Apple, Microsoft     2013-07-02 11:34:45

  Guide to Help Launch Your Startup Faster

You try, you fail you learn you succeed. It is not as easy as it seems to be because startup is not just an idea; it is a series of processes. Turning the idea into a profitable business and leading all the way through cannot be achieved overnight. An astounding 90% of startups fail to lift their business off the ground. While only a few manage to achieve success and survive for many years. The reason for failure is that most of the entrepreneurs do not know how to take business from start to e...