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  Signature sign/verification demo in Java

Digital signature is commonly used in areas where data authentication and integrity are required. It is extremely important to have signature while transferring sensitive data from one peer to other peers through network since there might be malicious applications or man-in-the-middle attacks which may alter the data along the way. Java provides some APIs to generate and verify digital signature. One important class is Signature.  When generating the signature, a private key needs to be pa...

   SECURITY,JAVA,SIGNATURE     2015-11-21 09:48:12

  Generate certificate in Java -- Certificate chain

In previous post, we have introduced the use of Certificate and how to generate self signed certificate using Java. In this post, we will show you how to generate a certificate chain. Sometimes we may only have a certificate request or we don't have a trusted certificate which can be used for business. Now we need to have a trusted CA to sign our certificate so that it can be used on SSL communications. To generate a certificate chain, we may first have our own certificate(A), then we may use ot...

   Java,Certificate chain,Creation, Pure Java     2014-07-30 08:24:52

  C++/CLR int to System::String^

In C++/CLR (for Microsoft), sometimes we need to convert int to System::String type or vice versa. The simple way is :From System::String^ to int int num= int::Parse(str); // System::String^ to int From int to System::String^ System::String^ str = num.ToString(); // int to System::String^For all the other data types, similar ways can be adopted....

   C++,CLR,Microsoft,System::String,Convert,int     2011-12-15 12:47:22

  Implementation of +,-,*,/ with bitwise operator

There is a question asked on Stackoverflow : Divide a number by 3 without using *,/,+,-,% operators. This question is an Oracle interview question. Some people give excellent answers. You can go there and take a look. Usually we need to use bitwise operators to do this kind of implementations. Here I want to show you ways to implement +,-,*,/ with bitwise operators. A bitwise operation operates on one or more bit patterns or binary numerals at the level of their individual bits. It is a fast, pr...

   Bitwise operator,Shift,Add,Subtract,Multiplication,Division     2012-08-05 01:52:47

  Why doesn't Microsoft involve in the patent war with Apple?

After Apple and Samsung patent war ends, Samsung immediately announced that they would continue to appeal. People are now guessing that the next target of Apple is Motorola and Google, while the situation getting worse, we could not help to ask why there is no emergence of Microsoft?At first glance, the answer seems to be very simple, both Microsoft Window 8 and Window Phone products do not have much intersection with Apple's products. But there is an unknown reason, there is a patent cross-lice...

   Microsoft,Apple,Patent     2012-08-27 22:10:19

  PHP to integrate with Sign in with Google

Google has a huge user base and hence it provides an authentication service for third party service to integrate with them so that people can sign in with Google in their services. Google also adopts OAuth 2 to provide this kind of Open ID connect service. This post will introduce how to integrate with sign in with Google functionality in your PHP website.  Create a client app on Google The first step you should follow is to create a Google app, you can follow the post here to create the p...

   PHP,GOOGLE API,OPEN API,SIGN IN WITH GOOGLE     2019-03-03 02:00:09

  Generate signed certificate from CSR in Java

In our previous tutorial, we have explained how to generate CSR which can be sent to CA for generating a signed certificate. In this tutorial, we will explain how to generate the signed certificate from CSR in Java. We will not use an actual CA but a self-signed certificate to act as a CA certificate. Since the CSR contains the subject information where a certificate needs to be generated and signed for. The key here is to extract the subject information from the CSR and then set it as the subje...

   JAVA,CSR,SIGN CERTIFICATE     2020-10-24 07:03:17

  JavaScript's Two Zeros

JavaScript has two zeros: -0 and +0. This post explains why that is and where it matters in practice. The signed zero Numbers always need to be encoded to be stored digitally. Why do some encodings have two zeros? As an example, let’s look at encoding integers as 4-digit binary numbers, via the sign-and-magnitude method. There, one uses one bit for the sign (0 if positive, 1 if negative) and the remaining bits for the magnitude (absolute value). Therefore, -2 and +2 are encoded as f...

   JavaScript,zeros     2012-03-24 05:21:49

  Generate certificate in Java -- Self signed certificate

This is the first post in this series which I will show you how to generate SSL certificate in Java programmatically. Certificates are frequently used in SSL communication which requires the authentication of server to client. This is to make the client to trust that the server is actually the one it claims. Certificates are really important on the Internet. All HTTPS communications on the Internet need the server side to present their certificates signed by trusted CAs. The basic flow of a requ...

   Java,Certificate,X509     2014-07-30 07:42:18

  Yahoo is going to recycle inactive user IDs

According to Sina Tech, Yahoo announced that it would provide users with shorter, more lovely and more memorable Yahoo IDs starting from July 15. For IDs like, if they are in inactive status in the past 12 months, then other users will be able to get this ID. Yahoo plans to reset Yahoo ID system to help users get the ID they want in mid of July. By mid-August, users who apply for a Yahoo user ID will be informed what kind of ID they get.This means that users can apply multiple ID...

   Yahoo,ID recycle     2013-06-12 21:22:15