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  Singleton Design Pattern in Java

Singleton is frequently used in applications where resource may be expensive to create and no instance specific state needs to be maintained. For example, when creating database connection, a singleton may be needed. Today we will share the famous Singleton design pattern in Java. 1. Definition Singleton design pattern is a design pattern that restricts the instantiation of a class to one object. It is one of the most well-known design patterns. 2. Application Singleton ...


  Singleton Pattern in Golang

Singleton pattern is the simplest design pattern in software design. It ensures that only one instance of an object exists globally, regardless of how many times the object is instantiated. Based on the characteristics of the singleton pattern, it can be applied to scenarios such as global unique configuration, database connection objects, file access objects, etc. In Go language, there are multiple ways to implement the singleton pattern. Today, let's learn together about some of these approach...

   GOLANG,SINGLETON PATTERN,TUTORIAL     2023-08-18 23:52:05

  The several flavors of random in Java

Random number generation is one of most basic features in any programming language. The basic utilization is always the same: generate a random number between 0 and 1. With such a simple resource at hand we sometimes overlook some interesting features. What do we learn from the books? The most obvious and maybe intuitive way to generate random numbers in Java is simply calling: java.lang.Math.random() Random generation is in the Math utility class with abs, pow, floor...

   Java,Random,Thread,Math,Type     2012-03-22 14:17:44

  Gracefully exiting from console programs in Ruby

Imagine you write a CLI program or a Rake task which loops through some data performing some work on it. You run it and then you remembered something. You’d love to kill the process with ctrl-c, but that will raise an exception somewhere in the loop. What you want is for the iteration to complete and then you want the program to quit. You could handle the Interrupt exception or add some conditions. But how about a cleaner and reusable way? No problem - you can trap signals, which...

   Ruby,Exit,Command window,Console,Graceful     2012-03-14 13:42:16

  Programming Language Readability

Lets compare some Python to Haskell for solving the same problem.  The problem we’ll pick is Trie data-structure for auto-completions.  We are interested not so much in the nitty gritty of the algorithm, but in the language style itself.  Auto-complete has been in the programming news a lot recently; both a Python and a Haskell solver have turned up. (I suspect this post got flagged on Hacker News :(  It never got on the front-page despite the rapid upvoting on a n...

   Programming,Readability,Python,Haskell     2012-02-27 04:52:02

  10 Object Oriented Design principles Java programmer should know

Object Oriented Design Principles are core of OOPS programming but I have seen most of Java programmer chasing design patterns like Singleton pattern , Decorator pattern or Observer pattern but not putting enough attention on Object oriented analysis and design or following these design principles. I have regularly seen Java programmers and developers of various experience level who either doesn't heard about these OOPS and SOLID design principle or simply doesn't know what benefits a particular...

   OOP design,Principle,Java     2012-03-14 13:51:38

  40+ Techniques to enhance your php code

1. Do not use relative paths , instead define a ROOT path Its quite common to see such lines : 1require_once('../../lib/some_class.php'); This approach has many drawbacks : It first searches for directories specified in the include paths of php , then looks from the current directory. So many directories are checked. When a script is included by another script in a different directory , its base directory changes to that of the including script. Another issue , is that when a script is being ru...

   PHP,Quirk,Trick,Efficiency,Techniques     2012-04-10 13:06:55