Today's Question:  What does your personal desk look like?        GIVE A SHOUT


  Understanding Slice Behavior in Go

In Go, understanding how slices behave when passed to functions is crucial for writing efficient and bug-free code. This behavior is often a source of confusion for many developers, especially those new to the language. In this article, we'll explore the difference between passing slices by value and by reference, and how it impacts the modification of slices within functions. Introduction In Go, slices are a fundamental data structure used to work with sequences of elements. They are essentiall...


  Three images to understand immutability of String in Java

String is immutable in Java. This means once a String object is created and instantiated, that object cannot be changed. Any operation on the String object will create a new Object instead of operating on the original content. Below are three images to help you understand String immutability in Java. Declare a String String s = "abcd"; s stores the reference to the string content created in the heap. Assign the String reference to another String variable String s2 = s; s2 stores the same ...

   STRING,JAVA     2016-03-11 20:58:28

  JavaScript: Passing by Value or by Reference

In JavaScript, we have functions and we have arguments that we pass into those functions. But how JavaScript handles what you’re passing in is not always clear. When you start getting into object-oriented development, you may find yourself perplexed over why you have access to values sometimes but not other times. When passing in a primitive type variable like a string or a number, the value is passed in by value. This means that any changes to that variable while in the function are com...

   JavaScript,Function,Pass by reference,Pa     2011-07-28 11:05:25

  Why I Use Vim

I've been using MacVIM as my editor of choice for a couple of years now, yet in many ways I still feel like a beginner. Every day I am learning more and more about my editor, but it takes a conscious effort to become proficient with an editor like Vim. Here's why I make that effort. Editors are something that are very personal; they have to fit with your own work flow approach to programming. If you have ever stopped to think about it, the way each person goes about editing text is quite differe...

   Vim,Editor,Feature     2012-01-11 12:03:35

  A trap in PDOStatement::bindParam

First, let's check out below codes: <?php $dbh = new PDO('mysql:host=localhost;dbname=test', "test"); $query = <<prepare($query); $bind_params = array(':username' => "laruence", ':password' => "weibo"); foreach( $bind_params as $key => $value ){ $statement->bindParam($key, $value); } $statement->execute(); What is the SQL executed finally? Is there any problem with above codes? Many people may think the query executed is : INSERT INTO `user` (`username`, `password...

   PHP,Trap,bindParam     2013-08-29 10:48:55

  String intern in Java

In Java, == is used to compare whether two objects have the same memory location, equals() is usually used to compare whether two objects have the same time and the same state.  When comparing two strings, normally we just want to know whether they have same content, so we can choose equals(). But since String comparison is so frequently needed, Java has worked on the String class to make == workable when comparing two String literals. The String class maintains a pool of emp...

   JAVA,STRING     2016-04-10 03:35:25

  CSS position explained

CSS has two very important properties on determining the position of an element in webpage: display and position. display is used to determine how elements are grouped and displayed on the page. While position is used to determine the exact position of an element on a page. And this post would explain position property in detail. position is used to determine the exact position of an element on a page. It has five possible values. static relative absolute fixed sticky sticky is supported start...

   CSS,STICKY,CSS3     2019-11-22 19:57:52

  A Perl Regular Expression That Matches Prime Numbers

perl -lne '(1x$_) =~ /^1?$|^(11+?)\1+$/ || print "$_ is prime"' Can you figure out how it works? I give an explanation below, but try to figure it out yourself. Here is what happens when you run it: $ perl -lne '(1x$_) =~ /^1?$|^(11+?)\1+$/ || print "$_ is prime"' 1 2 2 is prime 3 3 is prime 4 5 5 is prime 6 7 7 is prime 8 9 10 11 11 is prime Here is how it works. First, the number is converted in its unary representation by (1x$_). For example, the number 5 gets converted into 1x5, which is ...

   Perl,Regex,Regular expression,Prime number,One line     2011-12-26 08:42:00

  What will the value of Integer.valueOf(127) == Integer.valueOf(127) be in Java?

Do you really understand how Java does the integer comparison? OK, ignore the statements in the post title. What we are interested in is another set of comparison statements. Let's first see below code snippet. public class IntegerComparison { public static void main(String[] args) { Integer a = 127, b = 127; Integer c = 128, d = 128; System.out.println(a == b); System.out.println(c == d); } } What do you think the output will be? Are they both displaying true? You will find out t...

   JAVA,==,EQUALSTO     2018-01-13 22:18:15

  Android create button tutorial

This tutorial assumes that you already have an activity and are using an XML layout. Open the layout XML and add the button element.  Assign an ID with the “@+id” operator.  The + tells Android to generate an ID for this element so that you can reference it in your Java files. This is an example. Your layout and text elements will probably be very different. In this example case, the ID of the button is “close”. <Button android:id="@+id/close" android:lay...

   Android,Simulator,Button,XML,Tutorial     2014-11-07 08:30:10