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SEARCH KEYWORD -- Public contributions

  You should publish your contributions of Open Source, even it’s not required

Although many Open Source projects don’t require you publish the modifications of them, I still propose you should make the changes open. The reasons are as following: (1) For other people: the out-of-box Open Source projects save your time and money, and you get benefit from them. You should not only take, but also need to give! Only if everyone shares his code, document, or whatever related, the Open Source projects can grow up healthy. (2) For yourself: You release your code can actuall...

       2017-07-18 03:53:05

  How to make contribution to GitHub correctly?

If you have a GitHub account, then you will be able to see a section called Public contributions on your profile page. Your contribution status for the past year will be showed on this section, it's called contribution calendar. This calendar has 7 rows and 53 columns. Each cell on the grid represents your contribution status for one day, if the contribution is different, the cell color will be different. There are 5 colors in total : white, yellow, light green,green and deep green. With this, s...

   GitHub,Contribution calendar,Public contributions     2013-09-27 10:47:11

  Thoughts on Running an Open Source Project

I spoke in the unconference at PHPUK last week, on running an open source project. I thought I would collect together my thoughts into one place before I lose the scratty piece of paper I wrote them down on. I'm not sure I'm the right person to be giving advice exactly, but these are the things that, having been project lead on for a while, I think are important. Community I love it when people share their code, just make something and publish it, but to my mind it isn't an open...

   Open source,Management,Readme,Community     2012-03-06 05:25:27

  Should we use Abstract class or Interface?

When we write programs, we may often get into a situation where we don't know whether we should use Abstract class or Interface when we want to define an abstract object. These two are very similar and they are interchangeable in many cases. On Stackoverflow, this question is asked lots of times and it's related to many programming languages. Also in the official documentation of PHP regarding the Abstract class and Interface, people are arguing about this. To understand this question, their dif...


  Modal dialog in Java example code

In Java, we can create modal dialog so that the main JFrame cannot be operated on until the modal dialog is closed. To achieve this, we need to use one class in Java--JDialog. This class can be used to create an modal dialog.Example code : import javax.swing.JDialog; import javax.swing.JLabel; import javax.swing.JPanel; public class Dialog extends JDialog{ public Dialog(){ super(); JPanel panel=new JPanel(); panel.add(new JLabel("Hello dialog")); this.getCont...

   Java,Modal,JFrame,JDialog,Demo,Code     2011-08-18 09:50:27

  Comparable and comparator in Java

Comparable and comparator are two similar interfaces used to compare objects in Java. When we want to sort a list of objects such as Employee or User etc, we may need to implement these interfaces to make them comparable as we want. However, there are some differences between comparable and comparator interface.ComparableA comparable object is capable of comparing itself with another object. The class itself must implements the java.lang.Comparable interface in order to be able to compare its in...

   Java,Comparable,Comparator,Sort     2012-07-04 12:06:15

  Create customized GitHub profile page

How long have you been using GitHub? Have you ever wondered whether one can customize his profile page with some fancy looking? Indeed GitHub allows developers to customize profile page through a secret repository. The secret is to create a repository with the same name as your GitHub username. And you will be granted into the work of customizing your own profile page. In this post, we will show a simple walk through on how to create it. Create secret repository As indicated by the term secret r...


  Open Source (Almost) Everything

When Chris and I first started working on GitHub in late 2007, we split the work into two parts. Chris worked on the Rails app and I worked on Grit, the first ever Git bindings for Ruby. After six months of development, Grit had become complete enough to power GitHub during our public launch of the site and we were faced with an interesting question:Should we open source Grit or keep it proprietary?Keeping it private would provide a higher hurdle for competing Ruby-based Git hosting sites, givin...

   Open source,Benefits,Popularity,Advertisement,Advantage     2011-11-23 07:58:15

  jsonSerialize() in extended class

Since PHP 5.4.0, there is a convenient interface JsonSerializable which can be used to indicate that a PHP object can be serialized to JSON object. It has only one method which should be implemented by any class which implements this interface. The method is named jsonSerialize(). It's really easy to serialize an object to JSON object. Here is one example: <?php class ArrayValue implements JsonSerializable { public function __construct(array $array) { $this->array = $array; ...

   JSON,jsonSerialize,Inheritance,extends     2014-07-26 05:54:00

  Programmer's Mother's Day

Mother's Day is a celebration honoring mothers and motherhood, maternal bonds, and the influence of mothers in society. It is celebrated on various days in many parts of the world, most commonly in March or May. Mothers usually receive gifts on this day.Carnation is dedicated to be mother's flower. As a special group of people - programmers, our way of expression will naturally have our own characteristics. We can write programs to express our love to our mothers. Here is a Chines...

   Mother's day. Program     2013-05-12 01:10:15