Today's Question:  What does your personal desk look like?        GIVE A SHOUT


  Google launches Google Keep

According to Tencent Tech, Google announced the launch of Google Keep on Wednesday This is a note application similar to Evernote, its philosophy is to help you save everything you want to remember, including text and images and other notes, they can be instantly synchronized among different devices so that users can get the information they want at any time. This is a free service, it provides support for Web and Android 4.0 or later devices, users can navigate to or downl...

   Google Keep,Evernote,Synchronization     2013-03-21 13:00:02

  5 Tech Devices to Help You Succeed with an Online Master’s Degree

Studying for a master’s degree can be one of the best steps to take for your career and personal development. Whether you want to pursue an academic career and go on to gain further qualifications such as a doctorate, or want to use your master’s degree to further your career prospects, earn a promotion in your current job or even facilitate a career change, there are many reasons why more and more people are choosing to return to education. The opportunity to study for a master&rsqu...

   CAREER,MASTER,STUDY,TECH DEVICE     2019-05-29 10:46:07

  Forgotten TODOs: ideas for contributing to open-source projects

I often talk to students that want to contribute to open-source projects, but just don't have an idea what to work on. Here's a tip if you're in a similar situation (e.g. you want to apply for GSOC) : 1 git clone repository_url_of_some_open_source_project target_directory 2 grep -RIn TODO target_directory/* So, find the URL of the repository project you want to contribute to, checkout the repository using git/mercurial/svn and then find all the TODOs in the source code using grep. The -RI...

   Open source,constribution,TODO,participation     2012-03-03 22:30:28

  Leaving comments in real life

As a programmer I like to write comments because I know that some future person (often me) is going to need to know something about my code that won't be immediately obvious from reading it. Here's a recent example from my homebrew display's code:// protocol_init: Set up a newly powered-on string of lights.  The lights are arranged// in an array wired diagonally starting from the bottom left.  For ease of programming// it's better if they are given numbers which correspond to coor...

   Comment,Programming,Style,Format,Coding standard     2011-11-15 11:42:19

  Those interaction methods we can play with

Smartphones have become one important part of our lives, the phone apps also play more and more important roles. They can help us live through the boring time or help us connect to our close friends fat away from us or help us get information,etc. There are also some interesting interaction methods since the birth of smartphones. We can play with them while we interact with the smartphones. Here we summarize some of them. 1. Shake Since WeChat introduces the Shake method to find people which yo...

   Interaction,Mobile device,Google glass     2013-05-07 05:21:15

  Cripple Pachebel's Canon on Matlab

What can Matlab do? What the following Matlab code does is playing the piano music of Cripple Pachebel's Canon. You can have a try if you have Matlab installed on your computer. % Cripple Pachebel's Canon on Matlab % Have fun fs = 44100; % sample rate dt = 1/fs; T16 = 0.125; t16 = [0:dt:T16]; [temp k] = size(t16); t4 = linspace(0,4*T16,4*k); t8 = linspace(0,2*T16,2*k); [temp i] = size(t4); [temp j] = size(t8); % Modification functions mod4 =...

   Matlab,Programming,Canon,Music     2012-05-16 11:55:13

  How to be an excellent programmer

To use a programming language is very easy for a programmer, but it's a dream for many programmers to be an expert software developer. There are five levels of programmers: Novice, Senior novice, competent, proficient, and expert. Most programmers are senior novice. And programmer living in this level are a lot of people who have 1 to 10 years work experience.As a programmer, how to find the bottlenecks for your improvement and how to improve yourself quickly? This is really not an easy question...

   Programming,Tips,Habit     2013-03-26 09:53:38

  Some tips for writing proper emails

Email is now becoming one necessity of working. We may receive hundreds of emails everyday, they may from our colleagues, friends or clients. We need to exchange ideas, arrange meetings , asking for help etc though email in our work. A proper email can help us achieve what we want to achieve. Here we share some tips for writing a proper email.At the beginning of an email : Thank the reader is a good way to start the email, thank the reader may make the reader feel happy, especially when you ask ...

   EMAIL,TIP,FORMAT,TEMPLATE     2012-07-02 12:26:32

  Everything You Thought You Knew About Learning Is Wrong

Taking notes during class? Topic-focused study? A consistent learning environment? All are exactly opposite the best strategies for learning. Really, I recently had the good fortune to interview Robert Bjork, director of the UCLA Learning and Forgetting Lab, distinguished professor of psychology, and massively renowned expert on packing things in your brain in a way that keeps them from leaking out. And it turns out that everything I thought I knew about learning is wrong. Here’s wh...

   Learning,Thought,Before,Wrong     2012-01-30 05:45:36

  10 Technological Trends that are Affecting Life of Teachers

Technology has reached the level where people think that they do not need anybody to teach them new things. When you do not know about anything, you simply Google it and get the answer. All this is good but in actual it is affecting the life of our teachers. So, whatever conclusions these folks have who are arriving today will always influence everyone else who is working in childhood education through their high school. Let us see how they are affecting the life of the teachers:  &nbs...

       2014-12-01 01:38:04