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SEARCH KEYWORD -- Lasagna Code

  Lasagna Code

Anyone who claims to be even remotely versed in computer science knows what “spaghetti code” is. That type of code still sadly exists. But today we also have, for lack of a better term — and sticking to the pasta metaphor — “lasagna code”.Lasagna Code is layer upon layer of abstractions, objects and other meaningless misdirections that result in bloated, hard to maintain code all in the name of “clarity”. It drives me nuts to see how badly some c...

   Lasagna Code,Analysis,spaghetti code     2011-11-16 03:12:03

  <=> operator in MySQL

Have you ever seen "<=>" in a SQL query while using MySQL? Does it mean less and equals to and greater than? Actually if you consider it as the union of <= and =>, great, you are close to it. This is one form of equal operator in MySQL, it has the similar meaning to the = operator with some subtle difference. According to MySQL documentation, <=> is NULL-safe equal. This operator performs an equality comparison like the = operator, but returns 1 rather than NULL if both operand...

   MySQL,NULL safe,<=>     2014-03-24 06:23:22

  A Perl Regular Expression That Matches Prime Numbers

perl -lne '(1x$_) =~ /^1?$|^(11+?)\1+$/ || print "$_ is prime"' Can you figure out how it works? I give an explanation below, but try to figure it out yourself. Here is what happens when you run it: $ perl -lne '(1x$_) =~ /^1?$|^(11+?)\1+$/ || print "$_ is prime"' 1 2 2 is prime 3 3 is prime 4 5 5 is prime 6 7 7 is prime 8 9 10 11 11 is prime Here is how it works. First, the number is converted in its unary representation by (1x$_). For example, the number 5 gets converted into 1x5, which is ...

   Perl,Regex,Regular expression,Prime number,One line     2011-12-26 08:42:00

  C/C++ Pointer Declaration Syntax – It makes sense!

I never really liked the way pointers are declared in C/C++: int *a, *b, *c; // a, b and c are pointers to int The reason is that I am used to reading variable declarations as MyType myVar1, myVar2, myVar3; and I always read “int*” as the type “integer pointer”. I therefore wanted the following int* a, b, c; // a is a pointer to int, b and c are ints to mean that a, b and c all were of type int*, i.e. pointers to int. and I therefore found it slightly a...

   C,Pointer,Declaration,Attempt     2012-02-22 05:43:58

  Paint messages will come in as fast as you let them

There is a class of messages which are generated on demand rather than explicitly posted into a message queue. If you call Get­Message or Peek­Message and the queue is empty, then the window manager will look to see if one of these generated-on-demand messages is due, messages like WM_TIMER, WM_MOUSE­MOVE, and WM_PAINT. Neil wonders, "In that program that called Invalidate­Rect 100,000 times, how many paint messages were generated?" The Zen answer to this question is "Yes." A ...

   WM_PAINT,paint message,work,Mouse move     2011-12-21 09:37:14

  About go get and go install in Go 1.16

Go version 1.16 beta1 has been released on 18 Dec 2020, major features of Go 1.16 have been finalized with this beta release. Many people are discussing about the support of Apple M1, however, this post will not cover this topic. Instead the focus will be on go get and go install changes. There are lots of changes related to modules in Go 1.16, the details can be found in the release note. Below are some of the key highlights. GO111MODULE is on by default, if wanna keep old behavior, needs...

   GOLANG,GO 1.16,GO INSTALL     2020-12-26 00:26:58

  A Javascript When Function

function when(conditionFunc, execFunc, interval){ if (conditionFunc()){ execFunc(); }else{ setTimeout(function(){ when(conditionFunc, execFunc, interval);}, interval); } } You have some code which should only execute when a condition is true. E.g. You have code which relies on a javascript library but can't be sure the library has loaded yet and don't want the code to execute until it has. This is common if you have a bookmarklet which injects more than one <...

   JavaScript,When,Implementation,When function     2012-02-24 05:08:34

  How to handle ES6 modules in NodeJS

In modern JavaScript, there are two types of modules: ES6 module and CommonJS module used by NodeJS. These two types of module are not compatible. Many people would wonder how to load ES6 modules in their NodeJS project. This post will show how this can be done. Difference The syntax of the module being loaded is different. CommonJS modules are loaded with require() and exported with module.exports. ES6 modules are loaded and exported using import and export respectively. Merchanismwise require(...

   NODEJS,COMMONJS,ES6     2020-08-28 22:01:33

  A simple tutorial on Linux nohup command

In our daily work, there might be need to run some important program for hours or even days without being abruptly terminated. In such case, we may want to run the program with command nohup. nohup is the abbreviation of no hangup, i.e, don't hang up or terminate the process. This command will tell the process to ignore the system HUP signal. The HUP signal will be emitted when the terminal is exited or disconnected. Normally process will abort its execution when receiving this signal.  Bas...

   NOHUP,LINUX     2020-08-08 01:14:50

  combining dwarf failed: unknown load command 0x80000034 solution in GoLang

In case there is below error encountered while running some go program: combining dwarf failed: unknown load command 0x80000034 This may be due to that you are running go 1.16 on a Mac M! machine. If you go to check go version, it may tell you that you are running an arm version of go. go version go1.16.10 darwin/arm64 In such cases, you can try below methods to workaround the issue. Try to upgrade the go version to 1.17 and run the code again. If this is not an option for you because you have t...

   GO 1.16,0X80000034     2021-11-25 07:11:28