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SEARCH KEYWORD -- Heap memory

  Can two new objects point to the same memory address in GoLang?

Do you have any idea what the output will be for below GoLang snippet? package main import ( "fmt" ) type obj struct{} func main() { a := &obj{} fmt.Printf("%p\n", a) c := &obj{} fmt.Printf("%p\n", c) fmt.Println(a == c) } Many people would think that a and c are two different object instances which have different memory addresses. Hence a == c will be false. But if you try to run the above program, you would see below output 0x5781c8 0x5781c8 true To get to know the reason wh...

   GO,GOLANG,VARIABLE ESCAPE,ZEROBASE     2019-04-06 01:19:52

  Use Memory Analyzer Tool in Eclipse

When developing applications, we often encounter memory issues of an application. To analyze how much memory each class takes, we need to have some specific tools to assist us. One of them is Memory Analyzer Tool on Eclipse. The Eclipse Memory Analyzer is a fast and feature-rich Java heap analyzer that helps you find memory leaks and reduce memory consumption. To use the Memory Analyzer Tool, you first need to install it on Eclipse. You can go to Help -> Install New Software.... Paste  h...

   Memory analyzer tool, Eclipse,heap dump, HPROF     2014-10-28 07:22:35

  3 meanings of Stack

We may frequently see stack when we read programming books. But many times we may be confused about the different meanings of it. This term actually has three common meanings. Here we explain the three different meanings of Stack in programming. 1. Data structure The first meaning of Stack defines a method for storing data. Its feature is LIFO9Last In First Out). In this data structure, data are accumulated level by level. The data last put in is added at the top of the stack. When using the dat...

   Stack,Memory,Data structure     2014-02-24 04:56:46

  10 Points about Java heap memory

When I started java programming I didn't know what is java heap or what is heap space in Java, I was even not aware of where does object in Java gets created, it’s when I started doing professional programming I came across error java.lang.outofmemoryerror then I realized What is Heap in Java or Java Heap Space. Its happens with most of programmer because learning language is easy but learning basics is difficult since there is no formal process which can teach you every basics of pro...

   Java,Heap memory,Tips     2012-02-20 05:38:06

  MaxHeapSize in JVM

MaxHeapSize is an option which is to set the JVM maximum heap size can be allocated. We can specify the MaxHeapSize as VM argument when we run the program by setting -XX:MaxHeapSize=, here can be 2M, 20M, 200M etc. We can also view the current MaxHeapSize set by setting different JVM options. To view the MaxHeapSize, we can use two JVM options : -XX:+PrintFlagsFinal and -XX:+PrintCommandLineFlags. Below is one example when running -XX:+PrintFlagsFinal: bool MaxFDLimit ...

   JVM,MaxHeapSize,Alignment     2014-06-17 07:01:50

  Google open sources Leak Finder for JavaScript

Google recently open sourced a tools for finding memory leaks in JavaScript programs. In JavaScript you cannot have "memory leaks" in the traditional sense, but you can have objects which are unintentionally kept alive and which in turn keep alive other objects, e.g., large parts of DOM. Leak Finder for JavaScript works against the Developer tools remote inspecting protocol of Chrome, retrieves heap snapshots, and detects objects which are "memory leaks" according to a given leak definition. The...

   Google,Open source,JavaScript     2012-08-15 13:45:34

  What is goroutine?

Casual Talk Golang is quite enjoyable to write, aside from the tedious if err != nil checks. One of the fundamental reasons for the joy is goroutine, a core feature of Golang. Understanding goroutines in detail is worthwhile, as they contribute significantly to the pleasure of working with Golang. So, let's talk about goroutines, hoping to provide some insights to the readers. TL;DR: We'll start by talking about assembling a computer, then delve into some concepts of the operating system, such ...

   EXPLANATION,GOLANG,GOROUTINE     2024-01-21 03:26:10

  Memory related exception analysis in Java

Java Virtual Machine Specification divides the memory of JVM into several areas : Heap, Stack, The Program Counter register and Method area etc. In HotSpot JVM, heap is composed of Young, Tenured and Perm. There are different OutOfMemory error can happen in different memory area. Next is an overview of some of these OOM errors. StackOverflowError The JVM will allow only a specified number of stacks created nested. An JVM option -Xss can be set to determine the maximum stack size. If the num...

   Java, Memory model, Memory exception, OOM     2015-01-19 06:54:27

  Use Java ThreadLocal with caution

According to Oracle documentation, ThreadLocal is a class provides thread-local variables. These variables differ from their normal counterparts in that each thread that accesses one (via its get or set method) has its own, independently initialized copy of the variable. ThreadLocal instances are typically private static fields in classes that wish to associate state with a thread. In short, ThreadLocal variables are variables belong to a thread, not a class or an instance of a class. One common...

   JAVA,MEMORY LEAK, THREADLOCAL     2015-11-03 07:31:57

  An experience of fixing a memory-corruption bug

During the last 4 months, I was disturbed by a memory-corruption bug, and this bug will cause program crash. Until last Monday, I found the root cause and fixed it. This debug process is a difficult but memorable experience, so I will share it in this article.   My program works as a SMS Hub. When it receives a SMS, it will allocate a structure in heap memory like this: typedef struct { ...... int *a[8]; ...... } info; After processing the SMS, the program will free the m...

   c, debug, unix, solaris, multi-thread     2014-05-04 03:52:43