Today's Question:  What does your personal desk look like?        GIVE A SHOUT


  Implementation of Tower of Hanoi

The Tower of Hanoi is a mathematical game or puzzle. It consists of three rods, and a number of disks of different sizes which can slide onto any rod. The puzzle starts with the disks in a neat stack in ascending order of size on one rod, the smallest at the top, thus making a conical shape. The objective of the puzzle is to move the entire stack to another rod, obeying the following rules: Only one disk may be moved at a time. Each move consists of taking the upper disk fro...

   Algorithm,Tower of Hanoi     2012-08-20 02:15:55

  template function in class in C++

We can define template function in a class, but one thing we should pay attention to is that the member function template definition (in addition to the declaration) should be in the header file, not the cpp, though it does not have to be in the body of the class declaration itself.Example //Sorter.h#pragma onceclass Sorter{public:    Sorter(void);    ~Sorter(void);    template <class type> static void qsort(type arr[],int start,int end);};templ...

   C++,template function,class,definition,d     2011-08-07 09:39:56

  First page of 2012

The tail of 2011 has gone through my heart silently, Year of 2012 is coming with mystery. Looking back to 2011 and looking forward to 2012, it's time to record something...In the past 2011, nothing specials happened in my life. At the beginning of 2011, I was a college student with full of passion, while at the end of 2011, I am an engineer with 5 month's working experience. At the beginning of 2011, I was struggling through my Final Year Project and job hunting, while at the end of 2011, I am p...

   2012,New year,Mayan,Summary     2012-01-01 05:19:32

  Carriage return and line feed

In programming and document editing, we may frequently encounter carriage return and line feed, i.e the well known CRLF.  But do you know about the history and difference of carriage return and line feed? Before computer came out, there was a type of teleprinter called Teletype Model 33. It can print 10 characters each second. But there is one problem with this, after finishing printing each line, it will take 0.2 second to move to next line, which is time of printing 2 characters. If a new...


  Exit main thread and keep other threads running in C

In C programming, if using return in main function, the whole process will terminate. To only let main thread gone, and keep other threads live, you can use thrd_exit in main function. Check following code: #include #include #include int print_thread(void *s) { thrd_detach(thrd_current()); for (size_t i = 0; i < 5; i++) { sleep(1); printf("i=%zu\n", i); } thrd_exit(0); } int main(void) { ...

   C LANGUAGE,MULITHREAD,MAIN THREAD     2020-08-14 21:20:04

  gethostbyname vs getaddrinfo

getaddrinfo is slower than ping when resolving domain names. I think ping uses gethostbyname to resolve a domain name. The question becomes whether getaddrinfo is slower than gethostbyname. After testing with both functions, we find that getaddrinfo is really slow compared to gethostbyname. By strace tracking,  we find getaddrinfo will communicate with DNS server 10 times and gethostbyname will communicate with DNS server communication twice.gethostbyname is an old way to resolve domain nam...

   C++,network,DNS     2012-08-15 14:06:34

  Let 's write some front end codes

I've seen a lot of arguments that there is no much technical value writing web portal, I think that the vast majority of good programmers will try many different things. The low level development and machine learning are not the only technologies which are  full of wisdom and challenges, I wrote web site for a few years, it is difficult to say that this is my initial interest, although I touched on other technologies as well, I still feel building website is challenging. Front end developme...

   Front end development, JavaScript,CSS     2013-01-22 04:00:24

  How to write your own DSL in Ruby

DSL(Domain Specific Language) is a language defined to fulfill some domain specific requirements to ease people's work. It can be used to define attributes and actions of a domain easily and cleanly. And it is often created based on some common observations or micro patterns of some domain. In Ruby world, there are quite a few places people can find DSL. For example, Ruby itself, Chef recipes. To create a class in Ruby, the traditional OOP way would look like. class User @name = nil @email =...

   RUBY,DSL,TUTORIAL     2017-03-04 09:40:34

  App's user value doesn't necessarily bring business value

There is an old saying in Internet world, you can get business value as long as you can achieve user value. Is this statement outdated in mobile Internet era? This statement originated from PC Internet era, but now the time users spend on PC drops and user behavior tends to be stable and conservative. In contrast, people are more willing to stay on mobile devices. The difference between PC and mobile is that users are freely to move around on PC end. People can navigate from one link to another ...

   App,Business value,User value     2013-06-25 10:52:12

  Handle NXDomain error when resolving IP address in Ruby DNS resolver

In another post, we covered how to resolve SystemStackError when resolving IP address in Ruby. In this post, we would cover another common issue where a NXDomain error is returned when resolving an IP address. The NXDomain error means that the queried domain name does not exist in the DNS. In Ruby, DNS resolver library will use /etc/resolv.conf by default get the name servers to resolve the domain name. There are multiple DNS name servers can be specified in /etc/resolv.conf with below format. ...

   RUBY,RUBY ON RAILS,NETWORK,DNS,NXDOMAIN     2017-07-16 01:39:23