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SEARCH KEYWORD -- Constructor

  Multiple Constructor in PHP

See code:class MultipleConstructor {private $info = ”;function __construct() {$argv = func_get_args();switch( func_num_args() ){default:case 1:self::__construct1($argv[0]);break;case 2:self::__construct2( $argv[0], $argv[1] );break;}}function __construct1($value) {$this->info = $value;}function __construct2($value, $value2) {$this->info = $value . ” ” . $value2;}function get() {return $this->info;}}$a = new MultipleConstructor(‘Value 1′);echo $a->get();$...

   PHP,Constructor,Multiple constructor     2011-10-01 02:28:22

  Three ways to define class in JavaScript

In object oriented programming, class is the template of object, it defines the properties and methods of a group of objects. Unfortunately, JavaScript doesn't support class, but we can have some workarounds to simulate class.1. Constructor functionThis is the classical approach, it is also the approach mentioned in many text books. It uses the constructor function to simulate class and it uses the keyword this to represent the object internally.function Cat() { = "Kelly...

   JavaScript,Class,Method,Private,Inheritance     2012-07-09 11:59:51

  Singleton Design Pattern in Java

Singleton is frequently used in applications where resource may be expensive to create and no instance specific state needs to be maintained. For example, when creating database connection, a singleton may be needed. Today we will share the famous Singleton design pattern in Java. 1. Definition Singleton design pattern is a design pattern that restricts the instantiation of a class to one object. It is one of the most well-known design patterns. 2. Application Singleton ...


  this in JavaScript

this is a keyword in JavaScript. It refers to an internal object created automatically when a function executes, it can only be used in a function. For example:        function test(){     this.x = 1;   }The this keyword will change when a function is called in different situations. However, the general rule is : this refers to the object which calls the function.Next we discuss the use of this in 4 different situatio...

   this,keyword,use,JavaScript     2012-05-05 12:47:37

  malloc/free and new/delete in C++

malloc and free are C++/C language standard library functions, while new/delete are operator of C++. They can be used to allocate dynamic memory and free memory in C++ programs malloc/free can not meet the requirements of dynamic objects creation. Object needs to call the constructor to initialize the object when creating, the object needs to call the destructor before it is destroyed  Since malloc() and free() are library functions rather than operators, the compiler has no control permiss...

   C++,memory,malloc,free,new,delete     2012-06-20 06:52:09

  Deep clone of JavaScript object

In JavaScript world, it's frequently seen object clone. Normally when creating a clone of an object, it's only the reference being cloned but not all contents. In some scenarioes, it's desired to clone all the content instead of just the reference such that any change made to the cloned object will not change the original object. Differences between shallow clone and deep clone can be as simple as: Shallow clone : Only the object reference is cloned but not the content Deep clone : Clone all co...


  When will resizing be triggered in Java HashMap?

HashMap is one of the most frequently used collection types in Java, it stores key-value pairs. Ideally it expects to use hash table which expects the data access time complexity to be O(1), however, due to hash conflicts, in reality, it uses linked list or red-black tree to store data which makes the worst case time complexity to be O(logn).  Although collections are using data structures like arrays and linked lists, unlike arrays, they will dynamically resize when there is not enough spa...

   JAVA,RESIZE,HASHMAP,THRESHOLD     2020-05-02 20:41:19

  Understand JavaScript prototype

For an front end programming language like JavaScript, if we want to understand its OOP feature, we need to understand its objects, prototype chain, execution context, closure and this keyword in deep. If you have a good understanding on these concepts, you should be confident that you can handle this language well. The inheritance in JavaScript is not class inheritance like Java, but it adopts another mechanism-- prototype inheritance. The key to prototype inheritance is the prototype chain mec...

   JavaScript, prototype, __proto__     2013-02-02 02:34:09

  this in JavaScript in detail

this in JavaScript is always confusing, it is one of the most frequently seen traps in JavaScript. this is not a good design in JavaScript(You can refer some other design flaws of JavaScript here), since it's lazy binding feature, it can be a global object, the current object or.... Some people even avoid using this in JavaScript. Actually if you master how this works, then you will know how to stay away from these traps. Let's take a look at what this points to in below situations. 1. In global...

   JavaScript,this,bind     2013-05-09 18:35:12

  Creating Dynamic PDF files using HTML and PHP

There always arise a need for converting content from one file format to another one. Some may need to convert some text into HTML and some may need to convert some HTML content to an image format. The main reason for the need to convert from one file format to another is because the target file format is best suited for targeted medium where the content need to be displayed. The targeted medium may be an email, a printed hard copy or a web browser. The text format is best suited for sending ema...

   PHP,HTML,PDF,Conversion,Generate,Library     2011-11-18 12:10:53