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SEARCH KEYWORD -- Complexity

  C++, Ruby and CoffeeScript complexity comparison

There are many programming languages around the world, they all designed to help programmer solve some problems, finish some tasks. These languages are often divided into different types, there are structural, object-oriented, functional, scripting languages etc. Some are easy to pick up such as Java, while some are thought to be difficult to learn such as C++. So how do we understand complexities of different programming languages?Many people agree that C++ is very complex languages, it has poi...

   Complexity, languages, C++,Ruby,CoffeeScript     2012-06-12 04:46:01

  Binary tree iterator algorithm

Binary tree pre-order,in-order and post-order traversal are basics in algorithm and data structure.And the recursive binary tree traversal is a classical application of recursion. We define a binary tree node as : // C++ struct Node { int value; Node *left; Node *right; } In order binary tree traversal can be: // C++ void inorder_traverse(Node *node) { if (NULL != node->left) { inorder_traverse(node->left); } do_something(node); if (NULL != node->righ...

   Binary tree,Iterator,Traversal     2013-07-14 21:51:09


If you are anything like me, you've started more things than you have finished. We're innately curious about the things around us and inspired when we come across people who have mastered their trade. We see people create cool and beautiful things and think, "Man, that looks easy, if I put in a little time I can do that in no time." What follows is a few days or weeks of focused and dedicated learning. During this time we make some progress, but not much. In fact, the progress that we do ma...

   Work,Learning,Effort,Detail,Complexity     2011-10-25 10:27:28

  Language Complexity?

Some languages are complex, others are simple … right?  C++ versus just about anything else is a good example here.  But, it begs the question: what makes a language complex? So, I’ve just been reading Bruce Eckel’s Artima article on Scala.  It’s actually a nice article, and I enjoyed it.  But, one thing bugged me — and, it’s nicely summarised in this quote: But you can see from the code above that learning Scala should be a lot eas...

   Programming language,complexity     2011-06-15 02:16:05

  Example of less is more

Less is more is a very important design principle. It is as important as the 80:20 principle. It means that which is less complicated is often better understood and more appreciated than what is more complicated; simplicity is preferable to complexity; brevity in communication is more effective than verbosity. Next we will use an animated image to describe what is less is more. The popularity of flat design in web application design also proves the importance of less is more. Many famous compan...

   Less is more,Flat design     2013-09-20 07:20:43

  AI solves complex biology problem from scratch

An interdisciplinary, interuniversity group of scientists from Vanderbilt, Cornell, and CFD Research Corporation have created an artificial intelligence capable of solving complex scientific problems from scratch. The AI, called ABE (Automated Biology Explorer), “discovered” how glycolysis produces energy in a living cell by looking at a set of data and then squeezing it into a mathematical formula, just like a human biology researcher.ABE is powered by the freeware Eureqa softw...

   AI,Artificial intelligence,Biology,ABE     2011-10-17 11:08:58

  Some thoughts about microservice adoption

Nowadays microservice is very popular among companies with the increasing complexity of systems. The goal is to make each microservice to handle one specific job and handle it well. This normally would provide the benefit of maintaining the service easily and isolating errors and making the service more reliable and scalable. The benefits of adopting microservice are obvious. Maintainability. Decouple functions so that each function can be maintained separately which reduces the risk of issue ...


  Simplicity Oriented Programming

After few years on Warsztat (a Polish gamedev site) I’ve noticed an interesting phenomenon. Every now and then there are Compos (programming competitions) organized in two different flavours. Some compos are single-run events that last only few hours, others are long-term (several days/weeks). And as an extra catch, the former are usually restricted to basic APIs (SDL, OpenGL etc) while the latter are free-for-all (all sorts of engines, UDK/Unity allowed). Now, results are somewhat shocki...

   Programming,Research,Advice,Time efficie     2011-08-04 01:55:40

  The Day Programmer vs. The Night Programmer

This post is a slightly edited form of an e-mail that I sent around internally last year. But it was suggested to me recently that I post it up to my blog to see what people think – am I right or wrong? Over the years I’ve come to the belief that there are two kinds of programmer in the world, no matter what technology they work with, lets call them:         1. Day Programmers        2. Night Programmers Now ...

   Programmer,Day programmer,Night programmer,Difference     2012-03-05 05:12:09

  Is Scala Only for Computer Scientists?

I have experience struggling through these kinds of things andI know enough about the subject that I can understand why they did it that way. But my concern is that this should be an example that a beginner could understand, and they can't. There's too much depth exposed. Here's the example, which is written as a script: import case class Registrant(line: String) { val data = line.split(",") val first = data(0) val last = data(1) val email = data(2) val payment = da...

   Scala,Application field,Computer science     2012-02-17 07:46:40