Today's Question:  What does your personal desk look like?        GIVE A SHOUT


  SkyDrive may be banned on App Store

Apple App Store may block Microsoft SkyDrive, because Microsoft is not willing to pay for SkyDrive to be on App Store.According to App Store agreement, 30% income of an app on App Store should be paid to Apple, However, Microsoft said it was difficult for them to accept it.SkyDrive provides users with 7GB of free storage space, after which the user should pay for extra storage space up to 100 GB. Apple insists that 30% of sales of SkyDrive storage space should be paid to Apple, Microsoft thinks...

   App Store, SkyDrive,Ban     2012-12-11 13:41:11

  Connect to SQLite using Go on Windows

In software development, it's often necessary to test and validate logic using a lightweight and easily manageable database system. SQLite, with its minimal setup and zero configuration requirements, is an excellent choice for such scenarios. Leveraging the simplicity and efficiency of SQLite for testing purposes can significantly streamline the development process. In this guide, we'll explore how to seamlessly connect to SQLite using Go on Windows, empowering developers to efficiently test the...

   WINDOWS,TUTORIAL,GOLANG,SQLITE3     2024-02-11 20:58:12

  GitHub is to raise fund

Popular social coding and code hosting site GitHub is close to make an fund raising agreement with venture capital firm Andreessen Horowitz. After this round of fund raising, GitHub's market value will be around $500-800million.GitHub is a very popular social coding website, the major clients are programmers from big IT companies. Recently, GitHub even becomes a platform for some big companies to recruit new programmers, some HR managers are more willing to read applicant's GitHun profile instea...

   GitHub,Fund raising,Socail coding     2012-05-22 05:22:55

  We trade a lot more than just time to practice our craft

I was recently having one of those “life, the universe and everything” conversations with a close industry (web) friend. Mid-conversation I dropped that I’d identified three kinds of stress that we face as creators – it felt somewhat poetic at the time, so I thought I’d take some time to describe it. Physical, the kind of stress you’re under when you’ve been eating poorly, drinking too much, exercising too little, or working too long. Weâ€...

   Stress,Programmer,Creator,Emotional stress     2011-12-09 07:45:48

  JavaScript Needs Blocks

While reading Hacker News posts about JavaScript, I often come across the misconception that Ruby’s blocks are essentially equivalent to JavaScript’s “first class functions”. Because the ability to pass functions around, especially when you can create them anonymously, is extremely powerful, the fact that both JavaScript and Ruby have a mechanism to do so makes it natural to assume equivalence. In fact, when people talk about why Ruby’s blocks are different ...

   JavaScript,Block,Style,Format,Maintainebility     2012-01-11 11:59:35

  Error handling in GoLang

Error handling is one of the must talked topics for any programming language. The program would be more reliable and stable if errors are handled properly and timely. Each programming language has its own way to handle error, this applies to GoLang as well. This post will discuss more about GoLang's error handling mechanism. Error handling Before talking more about GoLang's error handling, we can see how different programming languages are handling errors. C's error check The most direct way of ...


  A simple way to remove the small arrow on on desktop application shortcut

Maybe many of us will see a small arrow on desktop application shortcut after we install the application on Windows. Some may like it but some people may think it doesn't look beautiful enough. We may need to remove these small arrows somehow the desktop can be clean. So how? Many people may use a third party software to remove the small arrows, then they must go to download the software and install them. But do we necessary do this in order to remove the small arrow?The answer is no. Here I ...

   Small Arrow,Shortcut,Desktop,Application,Windows     2014-10-25 08:39:58

  Android socket programming example

Socket is a kind of interface for different sides t communicate, it usually identified by an IP and a port. There are many server side software on a server and they would provide different service. Each server many create some sockets and bind them to some ports so that clients can listen to. Software on the Internet will exchange data though a bidirectional connection established. Each end of the connection has a socket created. In Java, Socket and ServerSocket are in package, ServerSo...

   Android,Socket,Java     2013-05-11 22:17:16

  Some laws of interactive design

The well known quote from Alan Cooper is   Conforming to the standard unless there is a better choice. There are some best practices in interaction design. How many do you know? 1. Fitts' Law The time from one start point to target point is determined by two parameters: The distance to the target and the size of the target. )D and W in above picture), the formula is : T=a+blog2(D/W+1). It was first proposed by Paul Fitts, it is mathematical model used to predict the time from any poin...

   interaction design, laws, Fitts' law     2012-11-16 11:25:24

  Reasons to use blue in design

Blue color is used in many product designs and logo designs such as Facebook, Microsoft, Twitter and our site. Why do companies choose blue color in their design? It's not a coincidence for them to choose blue. One saying is the color blue is associated with trust, efficiency, clarity and simplicity. Beside this reason, are there other reasons? From an interface design standpoint, blue is an incredibly useful color. Among the dark colors designers have in their toolbox, red, orange and green al...

   Design,Blue     2013-12-13 07:13:22