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  Polymorphism in OOP programming

Polymorphism is the capability of an action or method to do different things based on the object that it is acting upon. This is the third basic principle of object oriented programming. Overloading, overriding and dynamic method binding are three types of polymorphism. Overloaded methods are methods with the same name signature but either a different number of parameters or different types in the parameter list. For example 'spinning' a num...

   Java,OOP,Polymorphism,Overloading,Overri     2014-10-23 08:11:50

  this in JavaScript in detail

this in JavaScript is always confusing, it is one of the most frequently seen traps in JavaScript. this is not a good design in JavaScript(You can refer some other design flaws of JavaScript here), since it's lazy binding feature, it can be a global object, the current object or.... Some people even avoid using this in JavaScript. Actually if you master how this works, then you will know how to stay away from these traps. Let's take a look at what this points to in below situations. 1. In global...

   JavaScript,this,bind     2013-05-09 18:35:12

  Strict mode in JavaScript

1. Introduction In addition to normal mode, ECMAScript 5 includes the other mode : strict mode. It means it will make JavaScript codes execute in a more strict environment. The purposes to have strict mode are: Remove some unreasonable and parts of JavaScript syntax. Reduce some of the quirk behaviors. Remove some insecure parts of code execution. Make the execution environment more secure Improve interpret efficiency and increase the execution speed Build foundation for future JavaScript versi...

   JavaScript, Strict mode. Introduction     2013-01-17 05:00:26

  Common Lisp is the best language to learn programming

Now that Conrad Barski's Land of Lisp (see my review on Slashdot) has come out, I definitely think Common Lisp is the best language for kids (or anyone else) to start learning computer programming.Between Land of Lisp, David Touretzky's Common Lisp: A Gentle Introduction to Symbolic Computation (really great book for people new to programming, available for free) and The Little LISPer (3rd edition, editions four and up use Scheme) you have three really great resources to get started.Lisp's synta...

   Common Lisp,Kid,Programming language,First     2011-10-31 00:07:12

  NativeScript-Vue 1.0 Is Finally Out!

After a year of hard work and dedication, NativeScript-Vue 1.0 is finally available in the market. For those who are new to NativeScript- Vue, it is all about a plugin that simply allows one to build native iOS and Android apps with the help of Vue.js. NativeScript-Vue 1.0 is ready for use in production! And it may quite interest you to know that blending of NativeScript and Vue makes it even easier when it comes to building mobile apps. This launch comes with a shiny new website and extensive d...


  C++ Versus Objective-C

What will programming in Objective-C mean to the C++ programmer Different Object Oriented Languages Almost all of us have heard the term object oriented programming, and most of us have used C++. How will Apple's purchase of NeXT, and NeXT's framework using Objective-C affect us as we develop software? If we know C++ already, how hard will it be to get up to speed on Objective-C? Many people will agree that once they understand the concepts of object oriented programming it doesn't matter...

   C++,Objective-C,OOP,Comparison,Methods,Philosohpy     2011-12-12 07:51:40

  Using vi key bindings in bash and zsh

Takeaway: If you prefer to use vi or vim for command-line editing, you can configure shells to use vi key bindings instead of emacs-style key bindings. Here’s how. By default, most shells use emacs-style key bindings for command-line editing and modification. For users of vi or vim, however, you can instead configure shells to use vi key bindings instead. This is done by editing ~/.bashrc in the case of bash, or ~/.zshrc in zsh a...

   vi,Linux,Zsh,bash,key binding     2012-02-07 06:22:36

  How to use Chome dev tool to find event handler bound to an element

As a front end developer, there is frequent need to debug JS code and sometimes need to find out what event handler has been bound to a HTML element. In this post, we will show how to find out the click event handler bound to a HTML element, this same applies to other events as well. Nowadays, a web application is usually very complicated and there are lots of JS codes which makes it difficult to find out what click event handler has been bound to a HTML element, especially when the JS source co...


  Load and execute JavaScript

When we load and execute JavaScript in a webpage, there are many points we need to care about because of its design and feature. There are two features about JavaScript execution in a browser: 1). The JavaScript codes will be executed immediately once loaded;2). When JavaScript codes are being executed, they will block the following contents (including page rendering and other resources downloading). So if there are multiple js files to be loaded, these codes will be executed sequentially. Since...

   JavaScript,async,defer,load,execute     2013-06-07 04:53:46

  Have you used these JavaScript libraries before?

Are you a vanilla JavaScript developer or a JavaScript library lover?  If you are a vanilla JavaScript developer, please feel free to step away silently because you may not get what you want, but if you are a library or framework lover, please bookmark this page as what we list below are what you may use in the future. There are tons of JavaScript libraries created to ease the headache of developers who have to deal with different browsers on different devices. You may use some of them befo...

   JavaScript,Framework,Library     2014-09-27 22:06:55